Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

90 minute walk felt good to be out enjoying the fresh air, on my own hubby couldn't make it gee what a surprise.
Had a case of the munchies most of the day apart from a slice of cheese nothing was bad so much but just nibble nibble and we all know these nibbles add up.
Did anyone else catch the new program on TV 2 only got snippets of it as I was watching Oprah on 3 but what I seen was very intersting will put it on the watch list for next week.
Filled entry form for Dunedin 1/2 Marathon so will write cheque and post tomorrow. The entries open tomorrow for She Duathlon series.
Work tomorrow then pictures at 8 Goodnight and Goodluck with George Clooney.
Nothing really planned for the weekend.

Challenge loss of 5 k is coming on nearly halfway.

Feeling good about how my weight loss is going of course would stilllike to wake up tomorrow a size 16 but 2 years from now I will be and hey the way the years fly buy that ill be sooner than ya think.

My skin feels like sandpaper with all the airconditioning etc and with wearing so many clothes it is so sore and itchy oh the joys of winter. But this morning at least e can see daylight and no fog...the bathroom window was even without frost(last few mornings it has been frozen shut)

Had a visitor yesterday afternoon-not really a friend more of an aquaintence but she called around to apoligise...what for I said. she said "snubbing you when u were out walking earlier". I was out in the -5 temp for my walk and she and another lady drove past I waved but she didn't wave back so I thought to myself snobby bitch hehehehe BUT reason she never waved back was casue she didn't recognise me...they were well past and the other lady said "was that Felicity" and Sharon said "no I don't think so" and looked in rearvision mirror "oh my god yes it is"...she said "they nearly drove back to say how well I looked". Oh gosh. Same walk my father passed me and I flagged him down with a message and later hen I was having coffee with him and Mum he said I am gonna have to gain some weight back I said why he said cause I didn't realise it was you waving me down. So two in one day wow great anytime soon no one will know it is me hehehehe.

Mum is off to Christchurch today on the shuttle, my Aunty has to have a small op and needs someone at home to care for her after so Mum is going up. I am working tomorrow else I could have taken her up. Just had a phone call and 2 extra days work next week too so that will help with the bills.

Well best go make a start on the chores-hubby is home today so we have palnned a walk together later wonder what excuse he'll come up with for not going, but if i have all my chores done I will go regardless about 2 might go for hour and half if weather is still 'nice'. Oh I would so love a bike ride seems like months since I have been out but roads are still 2 icey maybe late next week if weather doesn't do anything more. I see She Duathlon entries open tomorrow morning so next pay I must send away and enter for Wanaka and Christchurch...still no word as to the Specail K being run again.

Have a good day.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Haven't got time to update tickertracker but a loss of 800gms YIPPEE

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Another one under me belt

Day 5
Walked 2 20mins
ater check
Did ok all round
Had chick peas in casserole for tea have never used them before rather enjoyed them now want more recipes
Had a meeting this afternoon to see if ppl would be interested in WW meetings starting positive responce. We meet at the local cafe I was amazed at the ones ordering mochacinos and hotchocs muffins and stuff-i had a black coffee with equal

Sp K with tinned apricots

pot yogurt
2 kiwi fruit

black cofffee

afternoon snack
2 full salada crackers
edam cheese

Lamb casserole
mashed pumpkin

Feel positive in how things are progressing with my weeks challenge.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Day 4 wow I feel good

I have just been talking with some online supporters and while we were talking I realised that I only have 5 k to go to be under 120k. Now to some this is no big deal but to me it is HUGE. We are talking like 20 plus years since I as under 120k I have family and friends that are younger than 20 and have never known me under 120k now that makes my heart heavy and brings tears to my eyes. So I have new found determination and dedication to the Felicity heathly lifestyle course...5kilos I can loose that I can be under 120 kilos and it is in my reach. So as of this minute 10.47am Friday 23rd June I am re-inforcing my pledge to life and liberty I will be healthy I will be liberated from this fat unhealthy body and I will be fit and flab free. Of course u won't see me for dust, cause I'll be moving so darn fast. 10th Sept (Dunedin Marathon) would be a good target date and could be done.

So look out fello bloggers I am storming thru.

Now this weight is from doctors scales and tru reading there scales differs from my home scales and also differs from the challenge I have with fello blogger so don't get in a panic girl no you don't nearly owe me a lotto ticket our challenge is on my home scales and as of last week still a couple kilos to go there. The doctors scale is my offical reading and what I set my life challenges for. As of 1st of June the doctors has started charging $10 for nurse visits blood presures, blood test and weighing etc so I sure won't be popping in there every week now just for a flippen weigh in. So my doctors records will only happen when I am going for a doctors consultation-thank goodness I can now weigh on home scales.

So the challenge is set 5 kilos to get me under 120 by Sept 10th or when ever.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Day 3

Rolled Oats with sultanas trim milk

Morning tea


4 slices multigrain med sliced bread
potatoe,cheese, bacon onion mix grilled on toast
slice date loaf

Afternoon snack
pumpkin seeds

Beef Casserole
whole grain rice

Worked till 3 was so darn quiet. Had a wee Nanna nap in the chair.
Hubby wanted something nice but I wasn't budging-the cheesecake is still in the freezer.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Day 2 dun and conquered

Have had a good day for the most part.

Had a big challenge in form of an afternoon tea with friends but stuck to my guns and dispite being offered several sweet gooie cakes and morals and savouries made of pastries s light and puffy I didn't cave in I had taken salada crackers 1/4 with lite cheese and I had 2 bite size crackers. Left there feeling very righteous.

Didn't manage a walk and should really wind up the treadmill but can't be fagged to tell u the truth.

Water is on par.

Rolled oats, with sultanas and 2 dried apricots chopped(note to self 1 would do)

fresh+fruity yogurt-wasn't sure I was going to be able to keep to my bargin at afternoon tea so eat light and was still full from brekkie

Afternoon snack
crackers and cheese

Vege soup
mince-chilli beans-tomato based pasta sauce
penne pasta
sprinkle of cheese

evening snack
2 kiwi fruit

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Basking in the afternoon sun

The late afternoon sun is pouring in the lounge window and almost hot actually it is lovely but will soon go it is 3.10 and at 4 it is like someone comes around and turns the heat off.
Woke this morning to a hoar frost oh just great -12 yes you read it right that says minus 12 thick fog and COLD as charity. Laundry (which I might add you walk thru to the loo) was -1 so didn't hang around long I can tell you. Put a load of washing on as you do and oh great frozen water but after a second or too it sluttered back to life and machine started filling but alas joy was short lived cause when it came to the draining stage it didn't-have you ever bailed water out of a washing machine freezing cold water with a cup got 3/4 out and refilled it with hot water and let it soak for about and hour and tried again thankfully it started pumping and all is well. A drama I could have easily done without all the same. Thoughts of food came to mind several times I can tell you.

Spoke with my friend, that lost her hubby last month today would have been his birthday-she was sounding really good and positive was good to hear. Cheered me up.

Went for a walk...besides the fact my hands were numb with the cold the fog had started to lift and looked so pretty frozen air on the trees roads are getting easier for walking still can't get on the footpaths. Mail is at last being deliver-not that is was really worth her effort today hehehe.

Water is going well, scales did not see the light of day mind you that wasn't so hard who wants to stripe to nothing in -1 conditions (I keep scales in the laundry), walked, so far doing ok with plan.

Food journal


fruit toast

morning snack

fresh and fruity yogurt


toast 1 slice I had peanut butter rest dry

afternoon snack (still to have)
sunflower seeds

vege soup homemade with lentils
tinned salmon

Monday, June 19, 2006

Well woke this morning with period oh joys, but explains a lot.
Going to focus on the future and make a plan so-

Here’s the plan:
1)I will stay off the scales until Tuesday week(27th June)
2) On Tuesday I will post the result here – whatever it may be!
3)I will post my food tracker here every day until then. Whatever I eat I will be accountable for what I eat.
4)I will have no ice cream or dessert foods till then.
5)I will drink a minimum of 2L of water each day
6)I will walk every day
7)I will stay positive, focused and dedicated to my goal.

3 day bender

Well that is how it feels-I haven't been able to stop eating for 3 days. Feel like crap. My mouth feels like something crawled in there and died. I am tired and can't be bothered doing anything. I am SO OVER the snow it got past being pretty days ago. I don't give a toss and have vurtually given up. I can't even say I have been able to start the day on a positive note...I have not weighted myself last 2 mornings casue KNOW that will rock the boat. Had a dull head, not exactyly call it a headache for a week. My house looks like a bomb exploded. My garden is so depressing I am thinking about digging hat is left of it up and putting the whole yard in concrete...the snow caused so much damage to my rhododenrons and magnolia some of which are 20 yrs old so were lovely now they are smashed and the magnolia for one will not come back.
See a real pity party and can't get out of it.
Well it is time to get ready for work oh joy stand around for 8hrs doing beggur all but at least I'll get paid for it...big deal the power bill is sure to gobble that and some.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Snow-15 inches of it!!!

Sunday afternoon it started raining HEAVY and at times I thought it was going to come thru the roof e went to bed about 10.30 at 11.30 the rain stopped and I got up at 2am and oops snow and lots of it and still snowing 4am I got up again and was going to take a photo it looked so pretty with the full moon etc couldn't find camera and then wham everyhting was in darkness-you guessed it the power was off. No street lights, no house lights, black out well as it happened it was off till 10pm tonight so 42 hours nothing. Thankfully we had the fire so fueled it up and are able to cook on it and boil water for COFFEE and washing dishes and sponge bath for humans. The freezer was biggest worry-we have stocked up for winter so 2 deep freezes FULL. I took the top layers and have buried it in the snow and it is a good frost out so will be ok till tomorrow. Went for a lovely walk this afternoon good to get some fresh air in the lungs couped up for 2 days the snow is beautiful and except for couple of icy patches walk was great.
Thankfully we are now back to normal-suspect I'll be called into work tomorrow so best get to bed hell yes it is nearly midnight.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Yummy meals today

Last nite I made yummy

vege soup with alphabet noodles
beef provenical with rice
pancakes with mxd berries(made pancakes made with splenda) (others had cream but not me)

Then for lunch today

Salmon Puffs with avocado and egg


left over soup
Spag bolognese(chicken)

red onion1
garlic 2cloves
celery 1 stick
red capsicum 1
olive oil 2 tbsp
chicken mince 350gms
frozen spinach /2cp defrosted
italian chopped tomatoes 1 can
tomato paste 1 tbs
wine 1/4 cp or chicken stock(I used water)
water 1/4cp
fresh basil
salt and pepper

Chop the vegetables finely. Heat the oil heavy base pan over a med heat
Put all fresh veges cook until softened about 10mins.
Add chicken mince cook until has colour.
Add tomato, wine, water, spinach and paste.
Simmer for around 20mins and sauce thickens.
Taste and add spices if ish chilli, oregano, paprika.
Simmer for 5 minutes more.
Just before serving add basil or other fresh herbs.

Salmon Puff with chopped egg and avocado

Toast one side of rye bread
Drain tinned slamon and remove bones. Mix with egg white.
Pile on untoasted side of bread
Grill until puffed and golden.
Peel and destone avacado, slice
Shell boiled egg and chop
Arrange egg and avcado on top salmon mix.
Garnish with chopped parsley

both recipes from April Healthy Food mag, great book.

Hubby of course after eating his tea and was told it was chicken now thinks I am trying to kill him. He doesn't like chicken.
Good way to spend a wet Sunday afternoon-of course registering for more events.
Sept 30th Lovelock Memorial Fun Run/Walk 10ks in Timaru(did this one last year)
Nov 19th 'Sure you can do it' Womans Triathlon in Temuka
Sent check away for Contures Duathlon Series
Oct 8th 06
Nov 5th 06
Dec 10th 06
Of course the dates are also out for She series(now called More FM Tri Series
Wanaka Feb 3rd 07
Christchurch Feb 18th 07
Also considering very strongly in doing the
Buller Gorge Half Marathon Feb 10th 07

So definately going to have to find some ne shoes that will like playing my feet. The shoes I have worn until now are no longer imported them could be a marathon all of it's own finding new shoes for walking in my budget.


for some reason I can't post these to the Marathon update page so here they are
Wet and cold but so pleased with myself

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Christchurch Marathon-18k walk

Another one under my belt.

Drove to Chch on Friday via Timaru hubby bought a Ford Courier Ute(of which I call truck and get reminded it is not). He is happy and others have said it looks to be a good buy-I haven't said much and have yet to even get in the thing. We travelled in both vehicles to Chch, something I thought was a bit silly but as it turned out had its benifits. After doing a bit of shopping once in town I arrived at my Aunties at about 7.30 time for a quick wash and we went to tea nothing worth even mentioning.
Saturday I was up early had planned a walk with Sarita a WW friend at 8am so met her on the corner and we clocked up and hour was really invigourating. Then onto Aqua at 10am. Jo met me there, another Ww friend and walking/duathlon compeditor. Had a great workout. Then a spa, Jo went home for shower and changed I wollowed a little longer. I had taken clothes to chnage into and so showered and got dressed. We were to met Rachel, another WWer and duathlete around the corner at a cafe. I was very impressed, beaut meal and service pressiontation etc I'll be returning as it is just around from hotel we normally stay at and the pool. We had a great time chatting and laughing and in no time it was 1pm so we walked over to register for the Marathon-Jo was running the 1/2 and Rachelwas walking 10k and I was walking the 18k...something I thought I may live to regret. Que's of compeditors but things moved very smoothly and we were out again in no time. My number was 6069 and 9.30 tomorow I was competing in a large event(as it turned out it was the biggest yet of theCHCh marathon). So we walked back to our cars and Rachel went her way and Jo and I were meeting others at Eastgate...as it turned out they never showed so we had a coffee and chat for about an hour...it was NICE to just sit and natter, I have known Jo probably a yr now and first time we have just chatted about life...we usulally talk events. She had a massage at 4 so we went our seperate ways and I stayed at the mall and did a bit of shopping at warehouse...bought some warmer clothes for tomorrow as weather was to be nasty and some new warm Pj's and just stuff...no trouble to spend $122 bucks. I was walking out of Warehouse and run into an old 'boyfriend' wel wasn't he ever impressed with the new me...he went on and on I of course didn't stop him t would have been rude to interupt wouldn't it. Then I went and got chicken pieces from Countdown I was cooking Satay Chicken and Rice for tea when I got home. THEN I wnet and visited my girlfriend, she is very ill and hasn't got long. It was tough but we talked about life and death and just stuff it was good to have this time and I know I will hold these last 3 days dear to me in the next few months. I left there about 5.30 didn't realise it was getting so late. Got back to Aunties we had tea, hubby had fish and chips and blobbed until about 9.30 when I went to bed and slept well. Alarm set for 6.30am.
I was surprised how well I slept...well until 4.30 and then that was me for the night. I got up at 5 had cereal and fruit with toast fruit bread. Made couple of peanut butter sandwiches, packed some dried apricots, raisins and energy chocolate in a snap lock bag for on the track packed my bag with a drinking yogurt bottle water and sammies etc. Got dressed then peeled off some clothes as I had to much on. Woke hubby he had his breakfast I had another coffee toilet stop and off we went. As we hadn't got to go around the route yesterday as we had planned we followed the map to familorise me and arrange were hubby could meet me for support etc. Got to Chch town hall starting point about 8 the marathon runners were getting lined up they took off at 8.15. Another loo stop. Back out to drink more water. The crowds started to thicken more nerves so back to loo wise move because by this time the ques were LONG. We were to take off at 9.30 so started to head to starters line. The anounsor was asking the slower compeditors to go to the back which I did then I thought hang on crowd like this I will be last b4 I even get to the starters line so moved up a bit and managed to get over starters line before I was the last and I unable to see others by time I got to 1k mark. There was a public loo in the park just to side of road so I used that as nerves were still high, got back on road and do u think the cop directig traffic would let me over road so I stood there for at least 5 mins till I got right pissed and crossed anyway. As I got to Retreat Rd hubby passed in car he was meeting me there but had got stuck in traffic as I said he would if he went the way he was going but he knew all. He was there just in the nick of time but he was there. I had a banana left him with my polar fleece top as I was to hot and had striped down to just a t shirt but kept a top and sleeveless vest for later in the day as the weather was to turn nasty...it was still nice BUT still had a long way to go. I was very along at this stage and could see others on other side of river already well on there way back to town. I heard a call from over the river and it was Nades I met her before the Sunlatte Duathlon she called out well done and I was never so pleased to hear a familiar voice. I was plodding along the Fulton Hogan fella's ere waiting as I passed each mark to pull in the cones etc marking the road. I kept going just as I got to the end of the going out of town side a lady asked me if I was competeing now I am plodding along with a huge great number pinned to my chest dah yes...they didn't know i was there so she called thru and they tried talking me out of carrying on...it had jsut started raining so while they were making noises I put on my long sleeve top andsleeveless vest. I carried on walking becuase if I stopped long I'd have never made it because I'd seice up. Next a car stopped and 2 got out tried to suggest I join them as it was getting cold etc I said I wanted to keep going and until I offically had to be pulled off so they did more talking and I kept walking. A lady called Linda was assigned to be my personal marshall hehehe all the markers and cones had been pulled in by then roads were open again. Thankfully I had the marshall because there was twice I'd have gone the wrong way. I kept plodding on the rain started very cold wind and lonely but I kept plodding on. Hubby met me at Swann's road he asked if I wanted to keep going but I wans't giving up. I kept txting friends and family telling them how I was going and getting support back. Linda the marshal kept checking up on me and making sure I was ok...by Swanns Rd she was telling me I am not letting u give up now. The rain was driving and I was drenched...hard to see the figures on the cellphone. From Peterbourgh St you turn left into Park Terrace then left again into Armagh by now I had seen 2 others from the full marathlon and they were both looking like death moving pretty near how I felt. Turned again into Kilmore seen the finish line and there was hubby and Jo and Rachel there at the line I was gonna make it I was gonna complete the darn thing.
4hours 21mins 26sec
2545.6 calories burned
32268 steps
Felt so good.
Was annoyed with husband because I had asked him to take photos but he didn't.
Got a medal for finishing.
I had planned on going to pool for a soak in spa but forgot my bloody togs so after prize giving for which the times were bloody impressive I can tell u, hubby and I went over to see Chris again she was feeling down so pleased I went we talked about my walk and remembered some good times...as I was leaving I thanked her for being such a good friend. We were neighbours when our kids were little (3) so have been thru thick and thin since I am going to miss her even though we r not neighburs anymore we have stayed good friends. That was going to be the last time I probably seen her but as it happened I stayed a day longer and called to see her again on Tuesday.
We had made plans to meet Jo and her hubby and Rachel for meal at The Cabbage Tree eat more food than I needed to but it was yum. Great evening laughing and talking and making plans for more events..Buller Gorge Marathon, Dunedin Marathon, Contours Duathlon Series, She duathlong and Specail K(we think they might combine these too)-talk of the Grape Ride too hah yeah right my bum can handle 101 kilometres on my bike.
On Monday I went to spa. After pool I went to visit my friend, Ngaire, from Palmerston Nth she is in Chch visiting her son. spent couple of hours there. Then drove to another friends for an hour or so back to Aunties for roast Chicken for tea yum. Decided I wasn't going home Tuesday either-just ddn't want to go. Made the paper with results of walk.
So Tuesday did a bit of shopping after Aqua at noon and a spa changed some slippers I had bought and didn't like. Then went and spent several hours with Chris-we looked over old photos and stuff quality time. Home for cold chicken and salad and I bought a bottle of wine, cause I wanted it.
Wednesday I rose at 8 fuddled around doing bits like washing the bed, packing the car, breakfast, made a few phone calls. Left Aunties about 11 off to supermarket if I finished with shopping and was in Hornby by 1pm I'd call in for a quick coffee with Leslie left there at 2. Got home just on 7.30 stopped at Ashburton for fuel and few grceries at Countdown left Ashburton at 4 stopped for tea at Fairlie at 5.30.
In all a good weekend away.