Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

A week to go YIPPEE

Well girls it is only a week to we get together. Wow I will ring Janine to check details I'll also email a couple of you with my cell number incase of any changes. My plans are back to what they were. I have spoken to N and she so wants us to visit she has that to look forward to and think about I s wish I could be there for her now but guess being a diversion as her daughter called me is next best. I am so excited about the coming trip and meeting so many of the poeple I have chatted to and have helped me with my journey. My only reason for picking the destinations(except P/N) I have for our trip is to meet you folks. Someone asked me yesterday what was I going to Hamilton for I said to meet 2 friends and Wellington is just the same I have no other plans heehehe except Aqua classes and walking hehehe oh yeah and maybe do a bit of retail thearpy(sp). Ann I am interested in that shop u spoke of have checked out the address and will certainly be calling there.
I still haven't accepted the gain on the scales and have told them i'll be back on Wednesday expecting a different answer, I guess if it is still similar I'll have to give in to the fact I gained. I haven't pigged out or binged on anything as I would have normally hell I would have poilished of a 2 lt container of some rich icecream or (maybe even and ) king size block of chocie couple years ago if scales had told me I had gained that much and I thought different. I did last night however have several infact more than several fruit digestive biscuits. I was disapointed in myself for eating them and as penalty for my bad behaviour I made myself finish the ironing I didn't get finished the other day and I hate standing ironing on a Saturday night make me feel very lonely and alone, but it is done and this morning I got rid of the biscuits and some so prehaps it was a good thing to much information. Gonna get worse. I have always had problems with bowel movements have an appointment with specialist on 23 May to find out why but that is another story. I drink gallons of water, eat loads of fruti and veg and high fibre this and nutty that and sometimes it can be a 5 days between visits to bathroom. I get so uncomfortable and it is agony I can tell you(I know at least one of fello bloggers has similar problems) I try anything suggested and have found a kiwifruit drink called Necta does help (might get some at store this morning might help the scales on Wednesday) anyway where i am going with this. On Friday I drunk no water AT ALL i had a bottle of diet coke at work and realised on sat when my skin felt like i had been sitting under a fan heater for a week and i was dehidrated that i hadn't drunk any water. For tea friday night i have a sandwich just couldn't be bothered so no veges no fruit and no water Friday and guess what saturday morning I went 3 times and today twice...go figure when I eat and drink right I don't go and when I dont I do go. I always was a bit back to front.

Well on Friday was my last day at job I hate and I have no regrets about leaving except the money. Pleased to be finished there it was such a crappy place to work and I never really felt I fitted in or was confident in what I was doing. I didn't know about engineering and mechanical stuff and had no desire to learn. The office side of things was ok but so dirty and dusty. And all week the paddock across the road has had kids and motor cross bike buzzing about so more noise and dust. But finished now yippee.

Yesterday did a bit of yard work not so as I can see where I been cause EVERYTHING is such a mess really need a moth working bee with husband incuded but of course that isnt gonna happen. Everytime i suggest work he has somehere to be. But cut back and dead headed pulled out the troughs of petunias along drive and on deck (that was easy and hardly need any energy for that heheh) Planted some trees so hopefully in a couple f years there will be some shade in garden again. Lost 3 trees over last couple of years for one reason or other so lost the shade and most of my garden is rhododendrons and camilleiaswhich prefer shade. Also planted a flowering cherry so will look pretty in spring out laundry window and a pear tree so can sit in shade of tree crunching on a freshly picked pear...well that is the vision anyrate.

Well best make a move-lovely day so will walk to shop, the long way and make 30mins walk and get some bread for hubby's lunch tomorrow and post some trademe parcels. Will wait for washing machine to finish so can get the sheets online and dry. This afternoon I must finish packing suit case and take up hem on hubbies jeans. I hate packing cause I have to plan days in advance of what I will wear and then I don't know what the weather will be like so have to have warm and cool clothes and the right shoes to go with that and matching knickers to go with that bra...oh it is such a delemia. Then what jewellery will I wear, thank god I don't do the makeup thing as well that would be another case to pack.

May not get back to post again before I leave on Thursday night.
Leave straight after work Thursday for Christchurch, plan is car will be packed b4 work and I'll have tea ready for hubby and take something to work to eat in car. Won't be in Chch till about 10.30 so by time drop Mum at aunties it will be 11 b4 we get to hotel
Friday-Up and at it early brekkie and be at airport by 8 arrive Hamilton 10 clock into motel and then plan is to meet for lunch at Breakers and then who knows heheh the 3 of us could get up to all sorts of mischeif.
Sat leave motel and be at train station by 9 looking forward to seeing some of the nth is country side travel to Palmerston Nth get in about 5. Then it is gonna be tough seeing Ngaire but wil be lots of hugs and tears I suspect. Originally I had planned on doing something that evening but now will jsut spend time with N.
Sunday is the P/N Wellington get2gether wow that will be a blast. Evening hotel in Wellington check out were the pool is and walk WITH HUSBAND along oriental parade looking forward to seeing the lights and night life of Wellington will be a little different to little old Twizel hehehe.
Not sure of plans for Mon and Tues except want to go to pool and walk everyday.
Wed back to P/N haven't booked yet train goes a bit early so will do the bus thing.
Thursday blob with Ngaire and trip to Feilding and do some shopping.
Friday 2pm flight back to Chch more tears and hugs goodbye.
Sat visiting with friends in Chch and Oxford
Sunday home boohoo holiday over.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I am feeling gutted

Went for weigh in this morning and gained bloody 2 kilos how the f did that happen.
I have been working my arse off and eating well why have I gained. First thought was well f u I might as well have eaten a whole shop full of chocolate over Easter. I kept geting niggles of why bother but I just CAN'T give in. I will not give in to these shitty thoughts.

Then by lunch I had received a phone call from my girlfriend(daughter) we are going to visit in Palmerston Nth to say tha N husband (he has cancer) is near the end. Not only am I so sad for Ngaire but I am hoping this won't go much longer because they have suffered so long now...I went up to P/N in Sept last to say good bye to M. N has said she doesn't think she is up to us staying so thast isn't any great biggie we can stay at a motel. The problem is what are we gonna do with Mum for the days we are in Wellington. Not sure what t do just at the moment...will have to talk in depth with Mum over weekend. I have managed to find a reasonable priced car rental place cause I'll need a car to get to places like aqua classes and Feilding to Jocilyn's dress shop and hubby train and shops.

Shit I'll be back tomorow maybe...phone has just gone Micheal passed away 30mins ago So sad but a blessing. BIG Hugs and love sent to Ngaire please pray for her and help her thru the next few weeks.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Gee 10 days since last post

Was waiting for results to be posted from Duathlon before I updated
It was another great event, not as well organised as sp k but still a great event. Weather was perfect. 5.5k walk 12k bike in 1.50:45 so happy with that. We also managed to get car packed groceries done and be on road back home by 3pms so pulled into town at 7.30 and NO WHERE NEAR AS BUGGERED as last time. Have checked out the web pages for next years dates Contour Series duathlon starts 8th October in Chch so it starts all over again hehehehe. Hope the SpK one continues next season, next event is June 4th 18k walk in Chch (Chch marathon) then Sept 10th Dunedin 1/2 marathon walk a group of us are going to do that one from Chch and Dunedin so should be great support network.

Scales were looking really good on Wednesday morning and I thought anyday now I'll be at my 125 goal mentioned this to hubby and later in the night he came home from getting petrol with a pizza I could have killed him...next day scales were up 2k. So this morning (well actually that was yesterdya morning now looking at the clock) they were nearly back to pre pizza weight. Hope by Thursday I'll be able to grab some time from work and go for a weigh in...work all week at my Friday job that I hate so much BUT as of the 21st I won't be working there-finished yippee and if the rumors are true in the nick of time too as apparently the other office girl is leving July so if I hadn't handed in my notice could have been landed right in it.

So far Easter has gone well, my plan was Hot Cross Buns Friday and NO EGGS at all. This has worked todate. I was given a couple of eggs from work mate and my boss gave me a boxed set with little eggs and a big one I gave them all to hubby and said I never want to see them again...I noticed the empty box yesterday in spare room...isn't he good sacrificing himslef like that eating chocolate to save me.We went for a 10k bike ride together on Friday morning he is working rest of weekend, I'll go again tomorrow.

Oh yeah nearly forgot while in Chch last week I went to the Willow shoe tour, I have mentioned Willow shoes before...an online shoe shop for size 10-12 and wide feet. They do a tour of the country each season well it was Sat 8th in Chch well I was in heavan could have stayed all day just trying on shoes as every pair I like and tried fitted can you believe if 8 pairs of shoes all fitted me in same place. I had 3 pr in my arms but while I stood in the que sence provailed and I only got 2 pr ($340) one for work oh they are so comfy worn them 4 times and not even a pinch least of all blister. AND a pair of ankle boots oh I feel so good in these I have always wanted to have a pair try them on every year but can't get more than my toes in them but these slipped on with ease and look so darn great under my jeans....Mum says they'd look ok under a skirt too but no so sure I wore them Friday night to drinks after work and felt just so good and NORMAL.

Woke at 1am with a stiff neck again oh well 2 days without pain was nice. Have it bound up in a towel with heat packs on and have rubbed in some muscle stuff might try for some more sleep.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Well blow me down with a feather.

When I first started my journey all those years ago (May2000) my first offical 'walk' for better health was 2 houses along the street and back and flopped on the couch for the rest of the day....well today I ran the same distance...yes ran. Huffed and puffed for a good minute and half afterwards and thought was this a clever idea. But after i recovered I realised the impacked of all of this hehehehe I ran!!!!

Went for an half hour walk this afternoon.

Had a wee fit of the nibbles this afternoon, but when I think about it-it was only 6 crispbreads and a slice of fruit bread so when all said and done not too bad...hell not a cream donut or steak and cheese pie to be seen. Set myself a challenge that no Easter Eggs will pass my lips and the only Hot Cross Buns I'll have will be on Good Friday lunch. Now to convince hubby he doesn't need to bring me home 'treats' in the shape of Cadbury Creme Eggs...I have told him no Easter Eggs, here's hoping he'll obey!!!.

Have case packed ready for tomorrow leave here straight after work at 5pm.
Extremely busy weekend AGAIN.
Will be tramping the streets at 8am start Sunday. This duathlon is 12k biking and 5.5 k walking but that will be a breeze. Just hope this darn neck will be ok, still catches occassionally. Oh well all I can do is my best.

See ya all on my return.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Just about convinced

that I am a size 22 well me top half at any rate.

I had ordered a 22 t shirt for the sp k duathlon not sure if would fit-it did but told myself they are probably big fitting.
Bought a couple of t shirts while in Chch and they fit nicely-but t shirts are stretchy
Have several blouses a friend gave me last time I was on this journey size 22- have worn 2 of them this last week, long sleeves and cotton fabric with no give at all. Begining to think maybe I am down to a size 22.
The clincher was yesterday at work, we have tops for sponsorship of basketball and cricket bt this is basketball and my shirt arrived since I last worked-it is a size 22 and 2 big wow what a thrill. Think I probably could have got away with a 20 eaisily.

Clocked up 20 k on bike today.
Food is going well
Drunk 3 litres water so far
Going well.

Just over 3 weeks till our holiday, still got 1.5k to budge...ggggrrrr.

Gonna go have a wee nanna nap b4 Home and Away starts it's gonna be sad one tonight.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

What is Souvalakis?

The restaurant we go to on way home from has this on there takeawy menu but I don't know what it is...it is chciken tossed greens mint and yoghurt or beef satay both sound nice but what am I getting for my money.

Not much happening here today. Did some house work. Went for a couple of short walks. Went back to physio at 4pm for my neck feels a lot better but still very 'bruised' feeling. Needs to be repaired by Friday ready for me to drive back to Chirstchurch for next Duathlon.

Another busy trip planned.
9.45 Aqua gym
Register for duathlon.
Willow shoes are doing a tour of there shoes so want to go to that at 11am
12noon Lunch with my brother and his grandson for brothers birthday. Mum and Aunty will also be coming...then at 1pm my girlfriend will join us for a catch up b4 she goes to work.
3pm Meeting with some of the Duathlon gals
5pm walk at beach
7pm My girl friend is calling to my Aunties for a catch up haven't seen her in like forever.
5am up and breakfast
6.30 be at venue rake bike etc
9am Event starts
Spa after duathlon
2pm hope to be leaving Chch

Right time for tea. Nite all.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Been sitting here looking at a Blank page for ages cause I couldn't think of anything to say!!

Started a food journal again this week-however just cause u rite it down doesn't mean it is good choices...need to work on what goes in my mouth and the quantity.

Exercise has been a little slow the last few days I have had a very bad crike in my neck, can hardly move it. Did manage a 4.5 k bike ride this afternoon which I enjoyed it was a glorious day.

Last weekend I had a change of plans and ended up going to Christchurch instead of Timaru. On Friday morning I made a last minute desission to go to Chch. When i did another 10k walk in Timaru in October I crosssed the finish line and it reminded me how alone I am in my journey...there wasn't anyone there to cheer me home. I knew if I went to Chch i would have a support crew at the end and I did some of the girls I have meet thru WW sites I visit entered the event also and we meet up b4 and they all were there at the end. Then I was talking to my girlfriend on the Sat b4 and she said she'd be there so her and her family were also there it was great, my own husband couldn't make the effort to come with me and wave the flag of success at the end but my girlfriend hubby could. Oh well I know where I stand. The chch event was 12k and I did it in 2.32 pleased with that, only real problem was wanting to go to toilet at the 6k mark oh it was pretty uncomfortable by th 10k mark and I did a wee detour via the Samoan church and used there very nice clean facilities after all they did have 'Vistors Welcome' on the sigh heheheh. Got away from there about 1 after prize giving etc and Annette and her family took me back to the car...which just happened to be parked by the pool for me to have a spa I soaked and enjoyed spa for 25 mins would have liked longer but was already late had hoped to be getting groceries by 1. Never left Chch till nearly 5 I knew it was gonna be a long trip home...pulled in Mums drive at 10.30, very grateful to be home safely.

Have a rest this weekend and then next weekend we do it all over again. Sun Latte duathlon back in Chch....I have to be more organised and get out of town earlier must get on road and home at a safer pace. If I wasn't working the next day I could stay over but need to be at work 8.30 Monday.

Went for a lovely walk around the lake with my brother on Tuesday, he was visiting for 3 days from Perth...oh I forgot to say. When I went to see him he said 'What have u done with the rest of my sister?' Gave me a real buzz, he is not one for commenting. Anyways back to the walk it was lovley up's and downs but a good track and easy enough had my heart pumping and was breathing heavy at finish but recovered quickly. Got back to car and it was hot so opened all the windows and drove home...realised this afternoon that is probably where the stiff neck has come from I could feel the cool breeze blowing straight on my neck. Can tell you won't do that again in a hurry.

Well it is 10pm and I think I'll head to bed, I am surprised how quiet it is actually...there was a large rowing regatta in town thru the week and it finished today thought there would have beeen yahooing and noise all night one roudy car and that has been it.

Nite all.