Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

best $15 I have ever spent

wow what a difference an eyebrow waxing makes...hell I even have a face under all that fuzz. I am very pleased and will be going back I can tell you. Can't look to bad Mum never even noticed till I said where I'd been.

Weather has turned to custard so pleased I got a walk in this morning-not the hills I had planned but a walk is better than nothing.

Was talking to our electrician while out haven't seen him in ages, he was out of country for 6mths, he was very complimentry of my body changes. Between you and me I think he is rather scrummy and have had many a thought about him that a married lady shouldn't have hehehe.

Nothing happening this afternoon, just thought pity couldn't fit some of next Sunday into today as usualy when I go to Chch so much has to be jammed in. Only going to be there 1 day too...Sat we are going to be in Ashburton visiting a friend and some of Ashburtons gardens etc then will drive onto Chch I said I'd cook tea at Aunties thinking lasagne had chicken bake last 2 times and feel like a change then I might go to a play Riccarton Player are doing Joseph Tech Dream Coat meeting Dawn (girlfirend from here who is also doing duathlon and we are staying togehter) about 11 so would be nice to go to play b4 then...she is driving up Sat night after work, she is a reall trooper will do the duathlon then travel back home for work Sunday night and you think I am dedicated. Sunday I'll do the duathlon then visit Chris (my friend that is very ill) Jim is one of the ones laid off from Feltex like they need that just now...then I'll go for a spa and groceries and home so no time for leisurely wondering shops etc wish I could have some of todays free time next Sunday as I say. Had planned on coming home on the Monday but working now so need to take all I can get to help pay for next trip hehehe

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Life is good The butterfly is forming

have had a great saturday.
Didn't have to travel this weekend and had nothing on eventwise so great to just hang out. Went out for dinner last night with friends lots of laughs happy with the chicken salad I had and no dessert couple glasses wine but had loads more water and soda water so a good nite. I walked the 2k home, got home just after 12. Wore a beautiful top I bought off trademe above unfortunately the torusers I wore were to big and baggy so they are now washed and will be loaded on trademe.
Up at 8.30 had 3 loads of washing out by 9.30 and cleaned the fridge(grocery shopping next Sunday so good to have a detox b4 restocking)did the regular Saturday jobs bathroom, changed beds etc Went for a walk at 12 for 45 mins. Home washed car just b4 the rain and blobbed for rest of afternoon...well that is after I made a big pot of vege soup and lamb mince rissoles and mashed kumara for tea
Soup-tinned tomatoes, carrots, couggettes, mushrooms, leek, garlic, parsnip, red kidney beans, celery, asparagus, dried basil corriander and pasta spirals.
Lamb rissoles-minced lamb, grated carrot, grated courgette, lge tbs tomato relish, splash mint sauce, splash chilli sauce rolled in multi grain bread crumbs.yum yum
Tomorrow I have an appointment to get my eye brows plucked never done it b4 so there is 47 yrs of growth she will have her work cut out for her...the transformation from blob to beauty begins.
Been invited to play Frisbee Golf on Thursday what a buzz that will be-group of young Mums get together for walking and running and have added Frizbee golf and I think it should be neat...but most importantly it will be more social life and another out and blow off steam...so off to buy a Frizbee, just happens they are on special next week at 4 square so how's that for an omen. Might even pluck up enough courage to go for a game of regular golf on Tuesday with the club group...will see.
Ordered pair of brown trousers from Ezybuy hopeful they will fit nicely and a pair of walking pants pretty mint green. Also rung number one shoe store because the shoes I liked were only at that price till 30th Oct so got them to send them and can take them back to Chch if they don't fit live in hope as they are an 11 and stretch so keep fingers crossed.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Things they are changing

After the style workshop I went to couple weeks ago I am making changes to me.
Shaved my legs(couple of gushing wounds and rather stingy)
Have made an appointment to get my eyebrows harvested on Sunday.
Also bought a body fitting bum lifting tummy slimming suit thing promises to make you look 2 dress sizes smaller.
Now if I can get my shoes to co-ordinate with my clothes would be great...perhaps if I stopped buying clothes I'd have some spare pennies for some shoes hehehehe.
New willow catolouge out and they are doing there tour again but darn it it will be in between trips to Christchurch looking at buying the above in creme

Get completments daily-an old boss said to me this morning that the me of today is a complelty differnet Felicity of 10 years ago when I got the job at there cafe it was out the back making sandwiches etc and I said I didn't want to work in the shop front serviing9which I ended uo doing and hated) now I am customer services front desk staff and almost confident in what I do.

Going out Friday night with friends for a birthday dinner should be fun...not sure what I'll wear when i was in chch last I left my suitcase there to make room for groceries and now I have very little clothes and no jewellery or makeup.

Hubby is home so best go chat

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Me what am I up to.
Been out of town every weekend for past 6wks(home this weekend yeah) for events...duathlons or 1/2 marathons etc. Had a 18.5 k walk here in Twizel this weekend so was good not to have to travel for it. Great walk hills steepest walk I have done to date...wind was really strong and at times very hard to stand up against it..adds to the memory. Got a spot prize for coming last but actually only10mins or so after an other couple so not hours later this time(4hrs 19mins 38secs)

Last weekend I also went to a Style work shop EXCELLENT...if you ever get the chance to go it is well worth the moneyhttp://www.styleworkshops.com/ I am trying to get one arranged for here next month would love to go again to learn more and I'll get my hair styled and coloured this time (had just had it cut week before I went so no point in geting it done last week). That was saturday on the Sunday did a 10k walk around Hagley Park, another thing off my to do list-awesome.

This next weekend I am home and nothing planned yeah for a quiet weekend.
Hubby had an unplanned trip to Invercargill on Friday a quick trip his 'aunty' is very frail and not got long was nice he was able to go and have this time with her...his next weekend off is 5th Nov (our anniversary) and I have a duathlon in Christchurch so we won't get backto Inv again till 17th Nov so hope he can get back then..personally I'd rather spend the money and time to go when she is still alive than go to a funeral(she has a couple of sisters but never married so no 'family' to go to a funeral for).

I just got back from a lovely walk a lovely calm evening nice not to have to fight the wind...stopped for a coffee at local cafe on way was nice for a change and pleasant destress.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Had a great week

Last Tuesday my son arrived from Sydney great to see him. He was very pleased to see me and my weight loss.
Wednesday-we went up to ski field Mum me and son...have never been to a ski field b4 was alovely day. Great watching him enjoy himself...best of all he asked me to be there. bummer about the 2 flat tyres coming off the field but got it sorted and added to the memories.
Thursday-He and I played 9 holes of golf...FANTASTIC. I want more.
Friday he drove u to Chch for the weekend spent some time with his 'father' and his brother and sister on fatherside, he didn't have fun.
Saturday-Mum and I drove to Timaru for a 10 k walk...Lovelock Memorial fantastic walk...this is the first event I did (ayear ago)in my journey to health and I did it in 2hrs last year this year was 1.50 so I am stoked. A friend and her sister drove from Chch and my neighbour and another friend from home came too so it was a real buzz to know pple there and they were there because of ME. Bring on the next one.
Sunday-was quiet day just a 30min walk and bit of housework.
Monday-an hour walk changed the route so good to see differnet houses etc after walk visited with a friend and an idea started to form.
Tuesday-the idea grew bigger...there was an add in New Idea for a Style workshop in Chch http://www.styleworkshops.com/workshop.html So we are working on a girlie weekend stay at hotel leave here Friday 13th after work workshop Saturday and I have a 10k walk on the Sunday and then home Sunday afternoon. Should be a blast. oh yeah and an hour walk.

Off to Chch on Thursday, Friday have a hair appointment-spot prize I won at the Chch marathon cut and blow wave yeah want to some clothes shopping still haven't found some replacement jeans also need another pair of new black slacks. Friday night have a birthday party to go to...and if it doesn't come to much, I am off to the Ankia Moa concert(I use to baby sit Anika when she was a kid and have as yet not made it to a show...would love to see her sing again she is amazing) Saturday have aqua then at 1pm meeting girls from Tri group and another meet at 4pm and back to Aunties cook Chicken Pasta Bake and an early night...Sunday my first Duathlon of the Summer...can't wait.

Back home on Monday for a week of work

Friday 13th back to Chch, as I said after work Among other things for weekend The Warratahs concert.

Monday 16th Oct back home for week of work bugger I had planned on spending that week cleaning house and preparing for my Labour Weekend visitors(The girls I did Dunedin with are coming down for Twizel Pyramid Run another blast of weekend coming up) Wanted food and house to look good, oh well they will still love me even if the windows are dirty and the cobwebs still in corners not gonna stress over it.