Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

best $15 I have ever spent

wow what a difference an eyebrow waxing makes...hell I even have a face under all that fuzz. I am very pleased and will be going back I can tell you. Can't look to bad Mum never even noticed till I said where I'd been.

Weather has turned to custard so pleased I got a walk in this morning-not the hills I had planned but a walk is better than nothing.

Was talking to our electrician while out haven't seen him in ages, he was out of country for 6mths, he was very complimentry of my body changes. Between you and me I think he is rather scrummy and have had many a thought about him that a married lady shouldn't have hehehe.

Nothing happening this afternoon, just thought pity couldn't fit some of next Sunday into today as usualy when I go to Chch so much has to be jammed in. Only going to be there 1 day too...Sat we are going to be in Ashburton visiting a friend and some of Ashburtons gardens etc then will drive onto Chch I said I'd cook tea at Aunties thinking lasagne had chicken bake last 2 times and feel like a change then I might go to a play Riccarton Player are doing Joseph Tech Dream Coat meeting Dawn (girlfirend from here who is also doing duathlon and we are staying togehter) about 11 so would be nice to go to play b4 then...she is driving up Sat night after work, she is a reall trooper will do the duathlon then travel back home for work Sunday night and you think I am dedicated. Sunday I'll do the duathlon then visit Chris (my friend that is very ill) Jim is one of the ones laid off from Feltex like they need that just now...then I'll go for a spa and groceries and home so no time for leisurely wondering shops etc wish I could have some of todays free time next Sunday as I say. Had planned on coming home on the Monday but working now so need to take all I can get to help pay for next trip hehehe


At October 30, 2006 9:33 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are sooo funny... isn't it weird how when you get your eyebrows done you never realised they sort of existed beforehand...

I mean I didn't notice mine until I had them groomed (he he he he) and then all of a sudden I couldn't look in the mirror without noticing them he he he.

Girl you are amazing... I love reading about the things you are doing... I would love to do as many duathlons etc as you... you are an inspiration.

Love ya
P.S REALLY enjoyed our chat the other night.

Love Chubbymum

At October 31, 2006 7:34 pm, Blogger Anne said...

You fit so much into your life - incredible.

Also you will hooked on getting the eyebrowws seen to regularly. Have a great week!


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