Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

600gms lost

I am so pleased to report a loss of 600gms. I really thought I was loosing the plot not the weight.

Sunday I went for a great 2hr walk up and down hills- I am going to do the Buller Half Marathon Feb and its bit hilly so need to up my energy levels as far as hills go. Now in our little old ton there isn't really much in way of hills but there is one are that has a couple of rises...one I use to call the killer hill but have mastered it, its now just a hill heheh takes 30mins from where I parked car to walk to top of these couple rises so up and down over a period of 2 hours. Now I plan to do this most Sundays increasing my time to 4 hrs and hopefully 6 times.

Next Sunday however I'll have other things on my mind-Dunedin half marathon Sunday 10th Sept oh my god what have I got myself into this time. Because hubby has a work comference in Ashburton Friday I am going to bus to Timaru and meet with 2 other friends travelling from Christchurch and travelling onto Dunedin. While I'm waiting in Timaru (have 5 hrs to spare) have a hair cut scheduled, much needed I can tell you. Also will have time for a beach walk and a leisurely look around the clothing shops check out the new seasons clothes. I have to try everything these days cause my body has changed shape so much and what use to fit is now VERY hideous and baggy. The trouser I am wearing now are a fine example new a mth ago worn twice now so baggy they look well gross. Need new ones can say I got my money's worth out of them goodbye $60 Happy to say next pair will need to be at least a 22 may even be a 20 that is why I'll have to try them on mail order is great if u stay same size not if u are loosing weight heheeh.

Why do we let things ppl say niggle inside and make us feel ick. Tonight I took 2 prs of jeans to weight management to prove a point One pair I bought last year size 26 Sara and are miles to small other size 24 and are to big for me, instead of making my point that all sizes are not equalone of the ladies made a big deal about how HUGE they were and on and on about the large size of them....wonder what she'd have said if she'd seen the old size 30plus pants I use to wear.

Ok it's nearly bed time I have to spend tomorrow getting ready for Dunedin.


At September 06, 2006 8:03 am, Blogger Chubbymum said...

Sounds to me that the lady that went on and on is jealous of you!! People aren't rude like that unless they feel threatened... silly woman!!!

I agree with you on the pants. Jeans in Farmers I can wear a size 22 but in The Warehouse size 26's don't fit and it is the people making them. I reckon that they should regulate the sizes because it is bad for peoples self esteem sometimes.. because they fitted size 24's and then all of a sudden they can't even fit size 26's...

Good luck for the 10th hun... you will do fine. Ohhhhh it will be nice to get your hair done like a mini pamper I reckon... I know I feel like that when I get my hair cut.

Love ya

At September 06, 2006 8:40 am, Blogger Anne said...

What an inspiring post - I bet you are bowling people over with how you have changed. Amazing work with your walks!!

Tryu not to let people get to you - you know how well you have done!!!

Best of luck for the 10th - have fun:)


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