Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Was a very sick chickie babe-Saturday

Friday was a after work session and I got plastered. Off my face pissed actually felt bloody good to let my hair down and blast away a few cobwebs-its been a while since i had so many laughs..actually rmember lying on staffroom floor laughing hysterically one part of it. I felt great in what I was wearing-shot home to change after work-plan was fish and chips so I had made some filo pastry spring rolls and vege samosa from the Symply too good cook books baked not deep fried and they went down a treat with everyone. I enjoyed myself. BUT paid for it satuday. I got up about 8 hungrey and very 'sick' made a banana sandwich cause I couldn't muster enough energy for anything else then it took me an hour to eat it cause i couldn't lift my hand to my mouth..it was getting very dry by time I finished it. I wnet back to bed at 10ish and slept or was in a coma till 2.30 felt heaps better got up had a coffee and went for a 30 min walk(slow walk) seen a couple of work girls they were doing the coffee thing at cafe and they looked as bad as I felt so that was reassuring. Went to bed at 8.30 and slept till 3.30am that was it sleeping over so got up at 4am.

Thursday I wore my new uniform to work I looked good even if I do have to blow my own trumpet will post fotos tomorrow size 22.

Had a fone call from son thru the week he is coming over on 25th Sept till 8th Oct yeah...looking forward to seeing him and showing off my new figure, he made a comment about a foto we sent over for his birthday so he will notice the differnece in the real thing. And the skirt I was wearing in that foto is now getting to big.

Sunny day after a crispy frost so I am off soon for a 10k walk.

Not much planned for the week ahead-both Mum and I are desperate for groceries so might suggest a grocery trip Wednesday just not sure on the money side of things this pay has to be for our trip to Dunedin for marathon. We'll see. Would have liked to have wangled a trip to Wellington next mth hen CM comes down but it isn't gonna happen without a lotto win and I haven't bought a ticket in forever so not likely.


At August 27, 2006 12:54 pm, Blogger michelle said...

It will be wonderful for you to see your son and I am sure he will give you lots of compliments on your weight loss. Hope you enjoyed your walk.

At August 27, 2006 2:11 pm, Blogger Sue said...

Doesn't matter how grown up we are, the booze still makes us act like kids! Just takes longer to get over it now.

At August 27, 2006 9:10 pm, Blogger Leighanne said...

Glad you had a great night!! Hopefully the hangover is worth it!!

At August 28, 2006 9:08 am, Blogger Anne said...

Had a laugh at your night out - good to let your hair down!!


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