Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Has it really been nearly a week

since I last posted knew it was a couple of days...where does the time go.

Actually not a lot happening-sitting here listening to Classical music station drinking green tea and thought I'd drop in and say howdy.

Had hoped to go to town tomorrow grocery shopping but the other girls didn't want to go and now the weather has turned to custard and been snowing on and off all day so not going. Since then have been asked to work half a day so money in is better than money out. Went down the dairy and bought a few bits won't bore u with a list but let me tell u 2 small grocery bags of mainly fruti and vege and frozen vege 72 dollars and that will only really last a couple of days.

Had a suprise visit from a dear friend on Monday, they were in town for the night it was great to have a catch up but not nearly long enough but longer than the half hour snatched here or there when we go up to Christchurch so can be glad of that. Biggest thrill was fact she hates the cold SO MUCH last time they were here was several years ago and she froze it was January for heavans sake and she comes thru in July of the coldest winters in years. (Her son and partner were over from Oz and the girlfriend had never seen snow so hence the trip to Twizel) They were to stay 2 nights but Sheryl couldnt hack the fog and cold so they went early. I had seen Sheryl in April but haven't seen her hubby in maybe 18 mths HE WAS GOBSMACKED at my weight loss. Pete is a friend don't get m wrong I introduced him and Sheryl (20 yrs ago as we worked out Monday) but he is a very nasty piece of goods when it comes to weight and stuff. He has said some very hurtfull things over the years I've known him-some I will never forget or forgive him for but he is a male and can't be held responcible for some of his stupidity. He said I looked AMAZING I said 'Pete I still am not down to what I weighted in Hrnby days' (20 yrs ago) I said 'All those nasty remarks were made and I was still ligjter than I am now' He didn't actually apoligies but he did sound genuine in what he did say and was as near to an apoligy as I think I would get. He said he had got up to 93 k (we are talking 6'4 man bulit like a bean pole) when he gave up smoking I said my heart bleeds for him. Sheryl was telling me his diet to loose the feel kilos he'd gained it was a scream...he gave up his morning scone and had 2 sandwiches for lunch instead of three but still had his beer and complained daily it has been 1 day 2days etc since having his scone oh I so miss my scone. Gave us a laugh

Sunday I went for a lovely long walk(well as it happened it wasn't as long as I'd thought it would have been was only 13k) took me 3 hrs 2 mins and I was sure my speed had increased but at that rate is still only just over 4.3 k an hour I was sure I'd increased my speed I did the Timaru 10k in 2 hrs making it 5k an hr that was last flippen Oct. Still pleased I did it and all that stuff just pissed at time/distance. Weather was so darn shocking today I dusted off the treadmill and did 30mins on that while Oprah was on...wasn't really very interesting program but had promised myself I'd do the treadmill thing while it was on. Have walked every day at least 30 minutes since it snowed on 12th June so am pleased with that.

Got confirmation of entry today for Dunedin 1/2 marathon Sept 10th..took so long I was thinking they might not accept entry I put my expected time as 5 hrs and after Christchurch and them wanting to pull me in after 10k cause of my time I am bit paroniod I guess. I decided on Sunday I would bite the bullet and invest in good pr of walking shoes for event walks..I have always said it is no point in paying big money for shoes because of our roads. I walk 30-40k a week and the rough tread of our roads chews thru the soul of my shoes, last about 3 mths...but after 5 k Sunday my feet were burning and blistered so if I get a good pr of shoes jsut keep them for big walks and events they will last the distance and be worth the money spent and get cheaper pr for everyday walks. So now I need to find a good pr of shoes that isn't gonna cost me an arm and a leg or get a sponcer and all b4 Sept and get them broken in too.

I have to part with my first jeans I bought a few mths ago (well think it was Dec/Jan) but they have got so big on me and looked dreadful-had another pr actually bought these first and tey were 2 sm so bought next size up and kept smaller ones CAUSE I WILL NEED THEM SOON and here we are at soon cause they fit me and comfortably. So the others will be listed on trade me-god knows when I'll get to that...it takes a huge chunk of time to photograph and load listings.

Put a colour thru my hair after work on Friday turned out looking pretty good actually dispite my concerns when mixing the bottle and it being a distinct orange my hair now looks a pretty rich aurburn and little grey which is good Would love another perm but can't afford $90 the one I got b4 my Nth Is holiday is like the holiday just a fond memory.

Gonna make another attempt at getting the St John papers done tomorrow so hope I don't wreck any more office equiptment.

Hubby is happy camper at last he has got PINK FLOYD PULSE on DVD I tell you he has harassed every music store between Hamilton adn Invercargil for over 2 yrs for this darn thing. The had it at out local petrol station for similar price to town so I said get it and shut up about it...of course this is what he was hoping I'd say.

Well girls it is nearing the witching hour and hubby will be home guess I should think about starting his tea.

Work all next week so not sure when I'll get back to up date again....guess hen I have something to say would be good lead such a boring life this isn't often.


At July 19, 2006 8:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG hun I loved reading your post tonight... you are doing sooo well. I just brought a pair of new shoes and it is soooo much better now to actually walk he he he he.

Sooo? how much are you selling your jeans for?


At July 20, 2006 8:40 am, Blogger Sue said...

Woooohoooo! Smaller jeans! You ARE the girl!

At July 20, 2006 10:29 am, Blogger Helena said...

Hey you slim jim girlie :) well done! It always feels great to fit into smaller clothes and its always a buzz even though they look ridiculous to wear the big baggies and show off your success hehe. It's funny how we always remember the hurtful things people say to us in our lives. I can count on my hand the number of hurtful things people close to me have said, but if I tried to recall all the compliments I'd never be able to do it. Like everything we seem to be doing these days, keep focussing on the positive and lay the negative to rest! Go Girl.

I'm at odds about shoes. I bought a pair of expensive ($200+) shoes and they lasted me three months with all the walking I was doing. Currently I'm wearing cross trainers - cost me about $100 and they've lasted me 6 months so far. I'll probably get another couple of months out of them. Whatever you buy make sure it is firm through the sole around the arch and heel and that it doesnt bend in that area - the toe area needs to be semi flexible but supportive in a walking movement.

Good socks make a huge difference too! I buy Thorlos (through the Shoe Clinic) they're not cheap but they are fantastic and last really well. www.shoeclinic.co.nz


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