Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Trying very hard today-hubby's day off so I am trying hard not to let male stupidity to get to me. Like leaving firewood in middle of laundry floor, instead of rantting I shiftted it but why should I have to-put it in the right place first.
After asking if I wanted outside door left open while we went for bike ride and I saying no the neighbours cat will get in-he left it open while we went out visiting Y would it be any differnent 2 hrs later the neighbours smelly cat will still come in.
Left his cup on coffee table
Turned jug on without checking had water in it
All things that I have tried hard not to comment on but why are men so well stupid he just doens't think.
Anyway has been a glorious day blew most of night so NO FROST yeah and then all day sunshine warm sunshine so a GOOD THAW and washing out and dry on clothes line that is a first in 5 weeks hasn't been fine enough to even bother. So I suggested we go for a bike ride so we wnet for 30mins ride in the sunshine did I mention the sunshine. Then hubby wanted to watch some petrol head thing on telly so I went straight out after ride and of course loo break for an hour walk...just got back from that and he was off to visit a friend so I said I would come too...didn't even take any notice of the comment made that makes me think he doesn't want me going visiting with him he never asks and always comes up with a reason why I can't go-but today I stuck to my guns and we walked (he wanted to take car but heck it was only 10mins walk) Sharon and I chatted food and weight loss and hair colours etc girlie stuff and the hubbies talked motorbikes. I wanted to say now how dreadful was that being seen out with ya wife but I didn't trying to not rock boat remember Felicity. So we came home at 3 I had left over lasagne from last night tea heated in microwave cause I hadn't had any lunch grabbed a banana before going to Sharon's. Now all I have to do it keep my trap shut and body language positive for rest of evening and will have been a nice day...but why do I have to be the one working so flippen hard at this would be nice if someone else had a thought or two about how I want things.
Right now off to find something nice and healthy for tea...made a scrummy lasagne last night out of Healthy Food magazine May 2006.

Lean Mince 500gms
250gms instant pasta sheets
2cps mushrooms
2 sm capsicums yellow or red
1/2 pk fresh spinach 200gms chopped ( i used frozen and thawed it)
1 onion chopped
garlic chopped
red wine 1/2cp(read a hint resently if u don't have red wine use red wine vinegar in water-I used that as don't have wine for cooking)
tinned tomates 2 400gms
tomatoe paste 2 tblsp
cottage cheese lite 500gms(I only had 250gms but plenty)
trim milk 1/2cp (used 1/4 because of less cottage cheese)
parmesan cheese1/2cp grated
herbs 2tblsp of choice I used basil,oregano, and rosemary
1/2 tsp paprika (didn't have any)

Spray lge pan withcooking spray gently cook onion and garlic. Add mince and brown gently-add capsicums and mushrooms cook further 5 mins.
Add tomatoes, tom paste herbs and spices Simmer for about 20mins (closer to 40) liquid in the sauce reduces about a third.
While meat is cooking make cheese suace. Blend (i just used a fork) cottage cheese, milk and all but 2tblsp of parmesan. Stir in spinach and heat until wilted.
In a deep oven dish place 1/3 meat mix follow with pasta sheetsanother layer of meat and pasta last layer of meat top with cheese mix. Sprinkle the remianing parmesan over top and cooking 180 oven for 30-40mins. Let stand 5 mins b4 serving.
Serves 5. Even had some for left overs that rearly happens and so lite and not at all stoggy. I willdefinately be making this one again.


At July 11, 2006 10:08 am, Blogger Rachel said...

Sorry to hear your having a bad time of it lately. Keeping your mouth shut and your body language positive can be a real challenge.

Wrote down that recipe, it sounds lovely and light.


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