Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Basking in the afternoon sun

The late afternoon sun is pouring in the lounge window and almost hot actually it is lovely but will soon go it is 3.10 and at 4 it is like someone comes around and turns the heat off.
Woke this morning to a hoar frost oh just great -12 yes you read it right that says minus 12 thick fog and COLD as charity. Laundry (which I might add you walk thru to the loo) was -1 so didn't hang around long I can tell you. Put a load of washing on as you do and oh great frozen water but after a second or too it sluttered back to life and machine started filling but alas joy was short lived cause when it came to the draining stage it didn't-have you ever bailed water out of a washing machine freezing cold water with a cup got 3/4 out and refilled it with hot water and let it soak for about and hour and tried again thankfully it started pumping and all is well. A drama I could have easily done without all the same. Thoughts of food came to mind several times I can tell you.

Spoke with my friend, that lost her hubby last month today would have been his birthday-she was sounding really good and positive was good to hear. Cheered me up.

Went for a walk...besides the fact my hands were numb with the cold the fog had started to lift and looked so pretty frozen air on the trees roads are getting easier for walking still can't get on the footpaths. Mail is at last being deliver-not that is was really worth her effort today hehehe.

Water is going well, scales did not see the light of day mind you that wasn't so hard who wants to stripe to nothing in -1 conditions (I keep scales in the laundry), walked, so far doing ok with plan.

Food journal


fruit toast

morning snack

fresh and fruity yogurt


toast 1 slice I had peanut butter rest dry

afternoon snack (still to have)
sunflower seeds

vege soup homemade with lentils
tinned salmon


At June 20, 2006 5:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Food sounds yummy...

Can't say the weather sounds good he he he brrrrrr too cold for me

Love CM

At June 20, 2006 8:21 pm, Blogger Sue said...

So long since I've been in a hoar frost, but not something I miss!

At June 21, 2006 11:43 am, Blogger me said...

I have never been to the snow...sounds awful, all the things that come with it. Brrr I am cold just thinking about it. lol


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