Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Where have I been?

not really sure-hadn't realised it had been nearly 2 weeks since I posted. I did write a blog on Tuesday and my computer locked up and I had to reboot and lost everyhting don't ya love when that happens.

Tuesday I weighed in offically recording a total loss of 52k and bringing me to 120k lowest I've been in 18-20 years. Pretty bloody chuffed about that. My brother keep txting me and telling me I am ligter than him and he is depressed as I am the eldest I don't think that has ever beeen the case before pretty sure I've always been heavier than him hehehe I think it's a great feeling.

Went to a very informative Seminar on Woman's health last week. Got heaps out of it and have made an appointment to see the dietican and nutricianist in October when I go to Chch next. I listened with great interest to what she had to say, taking lots of notes etc. Have put into practise many of the things-buliding a bridge of energy between meals(enough food to keep me charged till next meal) I have added milk back into my food group, had cut it out years ago because it make u fat...I have always used trim milk so now have a glass or make a smoothy most afternoons. Won't be today cause I had a lunch that wasn't completely good choices. I got more from that hour and half than I have from going to Timaru for over a year...ok this one will cost me not as much as I thought it would and I blieve it will be money well spent. If nothing else she does a lot of tests etc which will be of interest.

Talking about tests, had blood test again on Tuesday and most of results are good or improving.
glucose 4.8 was 5.5 at one stage 3.5-5.5 is acceptable
cholestrol on 1st June was 5.5 now 52
tryglycerine is 1.0 (0.5-2.0) is acceptable
HDL 1.2
LDL 3.7 on 1st June now 3.5 still needs work but improving.
my iron still concerns me and waiting to get a responce from doctors I could have died from worry.
Ferritn is 335 should be between 20 and 200
iorn is 19 normal (10-30)
Iorn binding is low but minimallly 44 (45-75)
% iron satuartion is 43%(20-50)

Been trying to snow all day but now sun is out again and very warm here with sun beaming on me..making screen hard to see though but can't have everything I guess.

Went out to lunch with a friend today nothing special just cause we could usually both working-had a lovely pumpkin soup no bread and glass of soda water and lime. A local yobbo came in and made a couple of smart mouth comments about my food and needing to loose weight etc he really upset me and I was fighting back the tears thinking wow even with all this lost I still can feel this way. Spoilt a nice lunch and the rest of the afternoon actually as it is now after 4. I did think of ringing him and saying how hurt I was by his remark but decided all that would do would give him something to laugh about again at my expence and would serve no purpose at all. But I have decided in future if have same circumstance I'll say excuse me I find those comments hurtful they are not necassary please do not use them again to me thinking to myself at the time fuck of u arse wipe. I will be strong enough in future to make a stand-today I was jsut so shocked, hurt and upset I had let them get to me after all the work I have done. Worst was his order was fatty bugger and chips hope he gets bunged up artieries.

sun is shining on backs of my hands oh my god they are wrinkly.

Spent most of the afternoon changing and shuffling appointments, life gets in the way of stuff some times.

Now it is 5 so best go put away the ironing I have just finished and get some tea started-not even sure what it will be yet, think I can hear himself pulling up the drive.

Thanks for all the emails to see where I am at. Hugs to you all.


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