Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Another week gone

Well here it is Sunday again.
Worked all week.
Hubby went out of town Tuesday afternoon and return Friday, so it was chicken every nite for this kid.
He bought me a George Foreman Steamer so I am set now with gadgets for a while...test run for slow cooker today and steamer. I wanted to try cooker b4 relying on it doing its thng while I'm not here, it passed with flying colours hehehe. Made a casserole actually prepared it yesterday as I went out last nite and wasn't confident I'd be in any state to be cooking today. Becauce the bowl was to big for the fridge I put it in a smaller bowl and transfered it this morning all I can say is thank goodness my stomach was ok cause meat and brown sauce plonking in a casserole dish make me think not lady like thoughts. Turned it on at 11 when I got up and it bubbled away all day happily has a clear lid so checked it couple of times and was very strong andonly lifted lid once to stir. Steamed veges pretty boring cause supplies are low, corn on cob, carrot rings and cauli but 10 mins and all cooked and only one dish to wipe clean and the crock pot liner...enough casserol in freezer for another night.
As I said earlier went out last nite to a 40th birthday-this gal has had some helath issuses lately so it was nice to celebrate a nice time for her for a change...she was in hospital just Friday week ago. Was a good nite-planned on drinking vodka and soda but it wasn't giving me the kick I wanted so swittched to wine had a bottle over course of 8 hrs with water and soda water in between to keep me from getting to fizzed. Home at 2am felt ok.
Set myself a new challenge Feb I am planning to do a half marathon in Westport and lots of my family live there that haven't seen me in a good while so will be impressing them all and my girlfriend is coming over from America haven't seen her since 2001 so am 35k less now...but have set a challenge for 10k by Feb bringing me to 110k and a loss of over 60k all up. calcualtions say a loss of 300gms a week would get me there so here I go.
Got caught in the rain today while out walking(well more of a stroll really couldn't get moving today) freezing cold wind and teeming rain but clocked up the distance I wanted to cover (5k)


At July 31, 2006 9:00 am, Blogger Sue said...

Your continuing motivation is so impresseive - almost as impressive as the LARGE jachet!

At July 31, 2006 11:36 am, Blogger Rachel said...

Have fun with the slow cooker, I couldn't live without mine.
I didn't know there was a steamer as well, might have to have a look.

How exciting with your friend from America coming and you are 35k lighter OMG.

At July 31, 2006 11:36 am, Blogger Rachel said...

Have fun with the slow cooker, I couldn't live without mine.
I didn't know there was a steamer as well, might have to have a look.

How exciting with your friend from America coming and you are 35k lighter OMG.

At July 31, 2006 3:48 pm, Blogger Chubbymum said...

Hun you will do it!!

Full faith.. you have done soooooo much so far that another 10 kilos is small change he he

Love CM


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