Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Life is good The butterfly is forming

have had a great saturday.
Didn't have to travel this weekend and had nothing on eventwise so great to just hang out. Went out for dinner last night with friends lots of laughs happy with the chicken salad I had and no dessert couple glasses wine but had loads more water and soda water so a good nite. I walked the 2k home, got home just after 12. Wore a beautiful top I bought off trademe above unfortunately the torusers I wore were to big and baggy so they are now washed and will be loaded on trademe.
Up at 8.30 had 3 loads of washing out by 9.30 and cleaned the fridge(grocery shopping next Sunday so good to have a detox b4 restocking)did the regular Saturday jobs bathroom, changed beds etc Went for a walk at 12 for 45 mins. Home washed car just b4 the rain and blobbed for rest of afternoon...well that is after I made a big pot of vege soup and lamb mince rissoles and mashed kumara for tea
Soup-tinned tomatoes, carrots, couggettes, mushrooms, leek, garlic, parsnip, red kidney beans, celery, asparagus, dried basil corriander and pasta spirals.
Lamb rissoles-minced lamb, grated carrot, grated courgette, lge tbs tomato relish, splash mint sauce, splash chilli sauce rolled in multi grain bread crumbs.yum yum
Tomorrow I have an appointment to get my eye brows plucked never done it b4 so there is 47 yrs of growth she will have her work cut out for her...the transformation from blob to beauty begins.
Been invited to play Frisbee Golf on Thursday what a buzz that will be-group of young Mums get together for walking and running and have added Frizbee golf and I think it should be neat...but most importantly it will be more social life and another out and blow off steam...so off to buy a Frizbee, just happens they are on special next week at 4 square so how's that for an omen. Might even pluck up enough courage to go for a game of regular golf on Tuesday with the club group...will see.
Ordered pair of brown trousers from Ezybuy hopeful they will fit nicely and a pair of walking pants pretty mint green. Also rung number one shoe store because the shoes I liked were only at that price till 30th Oct so got them to send them and can take them back to Chch if they don't fit live in hope as they are an 11 and stretch so keep fingers crossed.


At October 29, 2006 10:15 am, Blogger Sue said...

Lovely top, but would rather see a photo of you wearing it!


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