Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Monday, September 25, 2006

New Shoes

Hubby collected my new shoes on Thursday, I had put them on laybuy when I went to marathon-took them for a test drive yesterday OH HEAVAN!!!! Thought they might make my ankles ache with the extra support etc but nope and didn't feel the road thru the soles like others(ever step I felt every stone etc) So I am set for Saturday with my new shoes and thorlos soxs hell u won't see me for dust...I'll be flying.

What else has been happening-not alot really. Had another heavy talk about our money or lack there of with himself so wonder how long that will last...he did say he'd curb his spending on train and bike stuff we will see...that being said I HAVE TO STOP buying on trade me spend $200 in last 4 days on tops and jeans I MUST STOP. That being said I have also sold $310 so still on the winning side, albeit bearly. I cancelled the appointment I have with the nutritionist in Oct I can't justify $90 but I would still like to go one day when money isn't so tight., will keep her card. I have to keep all available cash for tripping around to Duathlons and Marathons...and those important type things. 3 trips to Chch and 2 to Timaru in next 6 weeks is gonna keep me on my toes.

Scales haven't been doing what I am wanting for weeks now so today I have started offically counting points will do it for a week and see what happens...well a week minus Saturday casue that is race day.

Food today


2 fruit toast (3)
banana (1)
3/4 cp Cereal combo(bran flakes,All Bran and Oat bran Weetbix) (2.5)
1/2 tinn lite peaches (1)
milk (1)
Total 8.5

Morning Snack
Apple (1)
Total 1

Baked potato (2)
Chilli beans and mince (4)
Total 6

Afternoon Snack
Still to be advised maybe a yogurt


Mustard Steak (3)
Brocolli (0)
corn on cob (.5)
broad beans (.5)
carrots (0)
mashed pumpkin (0)
Total 4

Daily Total 19.5

Points Allowed 24

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Have eaten just to much

Its is hubby's birthday today and I baked him a carot cake and made mac cheese and just eat to much... Just realise I had a bottle of wine chilling and didn't open it silly me.

Did manage to get a 20mins walk in-hope the wind isn't to strong tomorrow I WANT TO RIDE MY BIKE!!

ok its 11 and time for bed Nite all.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

There little letters-WOW

Friday 8th Sept
Bus was to pick me up at 7.30 so I was ready and waiting. Car was packed ready for hubby when he left Sat and all organised for him. The bus arrived at about 740. Only about 8 ppl on it chatted with 2 weight management gals trip didn't seem any length at all really and we were at Timaru it was actually 9.45 walked from bus drop off point to hair dresser left my bag there and went to beach walked all up for an hour back to hair got much needed cut but wanted length left to restyle it...need a change....hair is much lighter weight(scales might have made a differnece had it not been for stuff that wnt in stomach over weekend hehehe) After hair cut I went to lunch-yummy salad and smoked salmon stack thing very nice. Then onto some serious window shopping. Got some new work sandles from Kumfs store (Maggie style in black) also ordered a pair of dressy sandles(Cleo style also in black), these will both be couriered save me carrying them on the day. Then to a lightening shop for shade for standard lamp on coffee table between our chairs...found 3 shades in nice forest green large for standard lamp med for coffee table and smaller one to complete the set...got them set up now and they look good and room much lighter. Onto The Front runner spent an hour checking out some walking shoes very impressed with service-got a pair put them on layby-next to Farmers tried on about 15 items of clothes nothing I liked fitted and what fitted I didn't like ain't that the way...light weight pants clung to my legs and u could see my veins ick not a good look. Did find a nice mint green bra for under new uniform at work. Onto Micheal Hill Jewellers, they were out of stock of earings and ring from flyer I was after-so ordered...had a good old catch upwith the girls at MH probably there a good 45 mins...onto Postie Fashions tried lots of tops and pants there...took note of stuff I liked onto Marklins(Classic Clothing brands) tried 8 prs trousers and jeans 2 jackets and 6 tops really liked a mesh top in shades of rose pinks pretty sure I'll be getting that one by now its 5.30 and I am pooped so went to Speights Ale house for a much needed coffee and sit down...I was meeting the girls here but not till 7ish, by 6 it was getting real busy so I left as the girls were still an hour away. Walked back to town and did some window shopping and browsed around Farmers some more just filling in time. Back to Speights at 7....girls were 25k away. Group hug when they arrived and the fun began.

We had a lovely meal at Speights I had fish YUM, then icecream...hmmm first of many ooppsies. We headed off for Dunedin about 8.15 smooth drive lots of laughs and singing to the cd playing. Arrived in Dun at 10.30 got lost finding motor camp so drove around for about 20mins-found motor camp collected key(had already told them we'd be late arriving) got to my cabin great set up unloaded my bag...hubby was folllowing next day with rest of stuff. Went over to girls cabin it was VERY SMALL so I suggested they stay night in my cabin. Drove to Countdown for supplies for breakfast etc back to cabin snuggled down about 1am.
We had planned on Aqua fit classes at 9.15 Sat but woke at 8am and we voted against Aqua and went back to sleep till 9 up showered dressed brekki on to registation sorted out the area etc...checked if we could start earlier but no go. Drove around the route got lost again found most of marathon route got to Port Chalmers about 12.30 had a lovely lunch of curry chicken at The Tall Poppy then back to Dunedin to meet with other friends at Moana pool had couple of relaxing hours there. We voted for tea at motor camp and early nite so got some salads and chicken etc from Pak n Save and back to camp about 6. Hubby had arrived he left home at 5.30am and had spent some time in Dun checking out shops etc got to cabin about 4...we had tea, hubby offered to sleep in the cabin booked for the girls and we can stay together great so we got him settled and off to bed ourselves about 9.30 and think we were alseep by 10.
Sunday-Event day
I have cooked breakfast b4 events so set alarm for 6-up with a start cause radio was turned up REAL loud. Tried to be as quiet as I could collecting stuff for breakfast and off to kitchen cooked bacon but pan and pots weren't really suitable for cooking eggs had fruit toast cereal and fruit and bacon with tomaotes yum of course several coffees and orange juice and gallons of water. The others woke about 8 we showered dressed and got to starting point only to find roads were all closed and detours ick panic managed to find a park got to start line at 9.15 start was 9.30 we missed the breifing...but guess this is same for most events. As we took off I seen my friend Lois she had come down to see us off great buzz. Rachel couldn't do the walk she had twisted her knee last week so Jo and I walked together...Jo is just amazing she held back with me and I know she would have done it so much faster. 3 k mark my foot was blistering oh great-by 10 k both feet ere feeling real bad...15 k I was in tears with pain but kept at it cause I would have let so many down..I knew Kerry and Graham were comng thru from Tapanui to see me do this I couldn't give up. So I kept going kept walking on painful feet. But I made it crossed finish line 4hrs 35mins last place but I don't care I am a winner all because I dun it. Kerry and Graham were there Hubby was there Rachel was there all cheering me over the finish line Jo and I walked in together. I love that feeling. We went for coffee at tall poppy much needed coffee and the sit down was good. Suppose we stayed 30mins or so back to cabin for shower etc Hubby stayed and arrangements had been made to meet with other friends and Jo's nephews at Mcdonalds...I would have preferred to go to prize giving but sure I didn't miss much. However S didn't come J didn't come and M didn't arrive till after 5 so could have gone to prize giving at 4 easily oh well. We had planned a spa at Moana pool and I was sticking to guns there. So at 5.30 we went for spa AW pure pleasure stayed until pool closed at 7, in hindsight probably to long as when I got out oh I felt ill...Jo to the rescue again with a wet towel around my head...did feel better. Jo is a rock not only did she walk a half marathon she then played for hours in McD play room with the boys up and down tunnels etc she looked shattered but kept going...then after 30 mins in spa she did 10 lengths of the pool god a rock. After pool we met M at Thai restaurant for a delish meal of Chicken and Cashew...kicked out at 9.45 talked on street in cold rain for half an hour group hug of goodbyes. Back to cabin Jo and I decided to go for a beach walk...but sand was so cold and we just stood checking the beauty of the sea and the excitement of the day...bit emotional and thankfully it was dark. We only stayed about 15 mins it was bitterly cold, rain had stopped but wind was cutting. Back to cabin shower to wash sand off feet..last thing i needed was sand and infection in the blisters...then I had a foot spa was nice to soak my feet put on some cream and bed. GONNA DO IT AGAIN NEXT YEAR.
Woke about 8 had breakfast dressed and packed the car. Rachel and Jo left for Chch-Hubby and I left for Invercargil weekend was over. I kept falling alseep along the way. Arrived in Inv about 12.30 booked into Motel walked to visit with Hubbies aunty at her rest home, sitting in sun i nodded off again, stayed till about 5 went to tea at Pizza Hut gross. Back to room slept like a log.
Up about 9 showered breakfast and off for the day. Hosing down with rain. Parked car arranged what time we'd meet up again..went to bank to check damage done on weekend. Walked to farmers but think the shopping buzz had gone cause couldn't find anything i liked, chemist for stuff to repair my feet and then coffee and McCafe with Lyn a computer WW contact. Had a great visit for an hour Lyn hubby arrived and I accepted a ride back to car feet were sore. Found Classic Clothing and Postie Fashions bought 3 prs trousers and some skirts. Txt hubby I was finsihed he arrived we visited a girlfriend for much needed coffee...great to see her. By now its 4pm and still no lunch so we went to Cobb and Co. Back to Motel, tea, watched TV3 Downsize Me had booked a spa at 8.30 so as soon as prog finished soaked in spa heavan. 9.15 back to room put teatree oil and antesepitc cream on my feet wrapped them and bed. SLEEP.
Up about 8 breakfast dressed packed car. Hubby went to visit aunty while I went to Pak n Sav for groceries. Picked him up quick chat left at 12.30 quick trip to Briscoes hubby train shop and left Inv at about 2. Dunedin starving so Cobb n Co 5pm had lovely chicken stuffed with garlic butter and mushrooms wrapped in bacon YUM. Chocolate Indulgence for dessert(mud cake with cream and icecream). Left Dunedin 6.30 home just on 9.30 tired and pleased to be home put away groceries..checked emails and bed.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

600gms lost

I am so pleased to report a loss of 600gms. I really thought I was loosing the plot not the weight.

Sunday I went for a great 2hr walk up and down hills- I am going to do the Buller Half Marathon Feb and its bit hilly so need to up my energy levels as far as hills go. Now in our little old ton there isn't really much in way of hills but there is one are that has a couple of rises...one I use to call the killer hill but have mastered it, its now just a hill heheh takes 30mins from where I parked car to walk to top of these couple rises so up and down over a period of 2 hours. Now I plan to do this most Sundays increasing my time to 4 hrs and hopefully 6 times.

Next Sunday however I'll have other things on my mind-Dunedin half marathon Sunday 10th Sept oh my god what have I got myself into this time. Because hubby has a work comference in Ashburton Friday I am going to bus to Timaru and meet with 2 other friends travelling from Christchurch and travelling onto Dunedin. While I'm waiting in Timaru (have 5 hrs to spare) have a hair cut scheduled, much needed I can tell you. Also will have time for a beach walk and a leisurely look around the clothing shops check out the new seasons clothes. I have to try everything these days cause my body has changed shape so much and what use to fit is now VERY hideous and baggy. The trouser I am wearing now are a fine example new a mth ago worn twice now so baggy they look well gross. Need new ones can say I got my money's worth out of them goodbye $60 Happy to say next pair will need to be at least a 22 may even be a 20 that is why I'll have to try them on mail order is great if u stay same size not if u are loosing weight heheeh.

Why do we let things ppl say niggle inside and make us feel ick. Tonight I took 2 prs of jeans to weight management to prove a point One pair I bought last year size 26 Sara and are miles to small other size 24 and are to big for me, instead of making my point that all sizes are not equalone of the ladies made a big deal about how HUGE they were and on and on about the large size of them....wonder what she'd have said if she'd seen the old size 30plus pants I use to wear.

Ok it's nearly bed time I have to spend tomorrow getting ready for Dunedin.

Friday, September 01, 2006

September WOW

had a blah day really haven't done much at all.

Went for a bike ride this morning hmmm do I ever need to get my act together and bike more nnow the weather is better.

Still have friend staying so what was I going to cook for tea-spent ages looking for a recipe I seen yesterday thought would be good for tea tonight but do u think I can find it now so then I had to find somethng else what to have so after going thru the recipe books again desided on chicken casserole.

Had a lovely colourful breakfast this morning.


slice fruit toast
glass of kiwifruit nectar
bran flakes with all bran
strawberry and tinned peaches in juice
vital milk


Salmon in George Forman grill(yum)
kumara and apricot salad(bush road very nice)
brown rice and nut salad (bush road)
meslin salad with 1/4 avacardo, cottage cheese, combo crunchy sprouts

orange and banana


Minestrone Soup
Chicken casserole
Cauliflower with cheese sauce