Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I am feeling gutted

Went for weigh in this morning and gained bloody 2 kilos how the f did that happen.
I have been working my arse off and eating well why have I gained. First thought was well f u I might as well have eaten a whole shop full of chocolate over Easter. I kept geting niggles of why bother but I just CAN'T give in. I will not give in to these shitty thoughts.

Then by lunch I had received a phone call from my girlfriend(daughter) we are going to visit in Palmerston Nth to say tha N husband (he has cancer) is near the end. Not only am I so sad for Ngaire but I am hoping this won't go much longer because they have suffered so long now...I went up to P/N in Sept last to say good bye to M. N has said she doesn't think she is up to us staying so thast isn't any great biggie we can stay at a motel. The problem is what are we gonna do with Mum for the days we are in Wellington. Not sure what t do just at the moment...will have to talk in depth with Mum over weekend. I have managed to find a reasonable priced car rental place cause I'll need a car to get to places like aqua classes and Feilding to Jocilyn's dress shop and hubby train and shops.

Shit I'll be back tomorow maybe...phone has just gone Micheal passed away 30mins ago So sad but a blessing. BIG Hugs and love sent to Ngaire please pray for her and help her thru the next few weeks.


At April 21, 2006 10:09 am, Blogger Sue said...

That's very sad news. Big hug for you.

At April 21, 2006 6:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mate, life just isnt fair to us some days eh? It's such a shame you missed seeing your friend, but at least he is at peace now. Bugger about the gain!!!!!!!!!!! Especially when you've been working so hard! See you in a week or so! Looking forward to it :) H.

At April 21, 2006 8:48 pm, Blogger Anne said...

So sorry to hear abvout your friend.

The gain - not sure why but our bodies do strange things at times -don't be too down about it, you are trying so hard and it will happen.

You mentioned Jocelyns in Feilding - great shop but thought I would mention another small shop in P North called Curves, they sell new clothing as well as really good quality used clothing (can hardly tell the difference!)

Will be great to met up with you:)


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