Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Well things changed

Went to Inv hubbies aunt wasn't at all good
Tuesday night while I was out hubby got a call to say they were going to take her off drips etc. Then when I got home from work and there was a message on answer machine to say she had gone. So appointments had to be changed and cancelled(leg wax for one) So with lots of juggling we were back on the road again on Friday. We decided to stay in motel, had offers of accomodation from friends etc but I thought hubby needed some space. Food was dismal over the weekend. Scales last week were dreadful and a 3.4k increase and I thought I'd been ok so with a dreadful weekend of bad eating I dread to think what the scales will say Tuesday night.

Planning to play golf tomorrow socail group meets Tues at 1pm will be my first day with them(and last till March but gonna go all the same) Looking forward to it but nervous at same time-I know most that play either by sight or hello basis so will be ok.

Have a hair appointment Wednesday colour and cut-I want a new look but guess as i am dealing with same gal I'll get same treatment. Even the same will look better than the grey blob on top of my shoulders.

Thursday trip to Timaru again going to see dietican haven't seen her since July and really not keen as I have gained all of what I have lost in time since I seen her gaine dit in 2 weeks.

Went for a great walk this afternoon-felt so good.

Tonight we went to Wizard of Oz-I wasn't all that impressed with the show can't see what the connection with wizzard of oz was but the kids in audience enjoyed it and guess it was a kids show.

Bought a motivational CD from Annette Sym (Symply too good to be true cookbooks) very good and its excellent. Need a cd player in bedroom I could listen to this while going to sleep. Will turn it on now Hubby is on phone so listen for a few minutes till he gets off talking motor bikes so he could be there a while heheheh.


At November 28, 2006 8:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear the news. Had thought something muist have been up as been a while since you last posted. Take care

At November 28, 2006 10:45 am, Blogger Rachel said...

Sorry to hear your sad news, I had wondered where you had gone.

3.4k gain........what a bugger but you have had a lot going on.

What does the dietican do? Does she give you a diet and exercise plan? Do you reckon it is helpful?

At November 28, 2006 11:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my.... that is such sad news for you guys. Give hubby a big hug from me..

I was also wondering why you were so quiet lately my friend. I was going on MSN wanting to chat but you were never there.

Hun you know even though you gained that much there has been a lot going on for you and you will get that weight off my friend... I know you will. You are the most determined woman I have ever known and you will get there.

Big hugs my friend

Love Chubbymum

At November 28, 2006 8:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't look back and worry about the gain, it's another challenge for you to get where you want to be. We all have gains, so don't lose the plot.... emotional eating is sooo hard to overcome. If you want your hair to be different, just tell the hairdresser that! Don't accept the same cos it's what she's used to doing for you....remember it's you who's paying for it eh?


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