Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

A day of rewards and good vibes-some real 'GO ME' moments

autumn berry

style b $129.00 size 11 and autumn berry $149 size 11.5 I thought they were pretty resonable price, considering my kumf's for work cost me 189.
To be able to wear either of these of course I'll have to fit into panty-hose...ankle ones like I wear now wouldnt 'do', which is another one of my challeneges or goals.
The 'autumn berry' come in black as well and thought of a pr as well but hells bells a girl has to stop somewhere. Did think of writtng to them re layby. (which I have done waiting reply) The black, style b, one certainly won't date, not so sure about pink....do you think they will still be 'fashionable' for next hundred years.
Of course my feet are aching just looking at shoes.

I have been for my first real bike ride in 25 years.(been on exercycle but this was different)
And ouch!!!my girlie bits.
My wrist is also sore from holding on the handlebars so darn tight. But i did it-this is a new leg in my journey...albeit a bit shaky. I am so pleased with myself 15mins is a HUGE step for me.
Then I did my30 mins walk as well.
As a reward, me treat, pick me up, selfgift...what ever ya wantta call it I bought myself a very pretty bonechina tea mug. It is just so pretty...shades of lavender "pansies for friendship" and who better to be friends with but myself. (oh what aload of twaddle heheh) And to christen the mug I am having a herbal 'ginsing and lime' tea, for energizing.
Actually it was on Oprah the other day...make a treat of your specialtime. Have a nice t cup etc why keep the best china for guest u rimportant too and worth more than the chipped mugs.
The all energized Felicity. :)

Absolutely beaut day again so warm, although it has come up nor west and bit windy now but hey it is also 4pm and I got all the washing dry a big bonus for this time of year.

Spent this morning clearing a few more drawers of clothes to big to wear so on trade me they go...will load them tomorrow it takes SO MUCH time to load stuff.

2 slices fruit toast

4 vogel Pumpkin Seed and mXd grain
Chcken slices
lite cheese slice
seeded mustard

Afternoon Snack
3 full of fruit bisc
cup tea herbal

fresh fruit;
Orange, Pear, Kiwifruit, Banana.
Fresh and Fruity frozen youghurt
Chicken with apricot and spinach

Just tried to win a bike online auction but was out bid several times, but she had to pay way more than her starting bid...that will teach her for fighting against me. Might have a look next time we go to town to see what is available, cheap of course hehehe. Will steel hubbys again tomorrow.


At August 14, 2005 12:12 pm, Blogger Leighanne said...

Riding a bike - that is great!!!


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