Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Had a great day in Timaru yesterday doing the retail therapy thing, did some window shopping and also spent a few pennies. Got some nice bargins at Briscoes. Was hoping to have time to go to Classic Clothing and put some stuff on layby but run out of time. Stocked up again on fresh fruit and vege...and tonight being Friday and late finish used frozen vege hehehehe. Made a scrummy tea, fresh hoki baked in foil. Boiled rice and steamed chinese mix vege with ginger,garlic, worcester sauce, soy sauce, peanut butter, red onion and it was so scrummy.

Well didn't get ery far with that and can''t reember much about yesterday now. I am proud of the fact I opened the lolly jar at work and then put the lid back on and went for a walk around the carpark instead.


Today was the day I was suppose to be going to Palmerston Nth and bit disappointed that I couldn't. Consulation I went on the DOC arranged walk on new track they have opened. Wow what a great trek. took just over hour and half, but then we had a few 'breaks' and points of interest etc. The veiw of Lake Pukaki and Mt Cook was gobbsmacking. Terrain was slight mounds and for the most part very easy...couple of steeper bits that took my breath away but coped. 3k on pedometre. And the veiw was so worth it. Weather couldn't have been any better, not a cloud in sky warm...infact took my jumper off half way.

Went to office after finished walk, for an hour job that took nearly 4...but I had taken my lunch etc so no problem there. Once things started going right it actually took just on an hour to 'do' the job. Got home just after 4 did a couple of little chores and then had a 5 min cat nap b4 hubby came home.

Think there is a movie on later that I want to watch so will close this for the day.
Nite all


At August 07, 2005 10:11 pm, Blogger Sue said...

Your descriptions make me really miss the South Island. I lived in Palmerston (Otago, not Palmerston North) for 11 years as a kid, and we spent a lot of time in places like Glenorchy, Tekapo and the mountains generally. Have a great week.


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