Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Dreams r free

sure as heck hope that is true in the case of food as well. I seemed to spend most of the night dreaming about food in some way or other.
I had a bad case of the munchies last night, so kept well away from the kitchen even turned the telly off early because all the food adds on there give me ideas.
I drunk loads of water.
Did I eat the raisins I had in my hand while making hubby's lunch NO
Did I have the peanut butter sandwich that was floating around in myhead calling my name NO
Did I have a biscuit that looked so golden and fruity when also putting 2gether hubby's lunch NO
Did I have a fruit digestive (biscuit) earlier in night when some fella was on telly twiddling a table coaster and it made me think of fruit digestives NO
Did I have the pear that smelt so good NO
Did I fail yesterday NO
Am I an acheiver YES YES YES
Most of these things that were haunting me were healthy food, peanutbutter jury is still out, but I had eaten a good meal at t time andwasn't hungrey I jsut had the munchies and was telling them where to go. I am the winner-this time at least.

Bought a new loaf of bread today Vogels Pumpkinseed and Mixed Grain bread.....it was so yummo!!!
Got my hair cut this afternoon looks good, hubby never even noticed.
Walked 3/4 hrs

While cooking tonights tea I prepared casserole for tom nite and lunches and snack pack and jsut as well as it happens casue the boss just rung can I start early. So alarm is set for 5 and this kid is nearing bedtime.

2 Slices fruit toast (Burgen)
coffee x1

4 slices vogels c above
ham/kiwifruit/lite cheese slice made into sandwich

Afternoon Snack
bowl vege soup

Chicken stuffed chees and ff ham
broad beans
carrot/parsnip mash
cabbage/silverbeet mxd


At August 12, 2005 11:43 am, Blogger CaramelKitKat said...

LOL at your husband not noticing your hair! A male friend of bf's stayed w us for a few weeks while house hunting and bf was constantly telling him off for making him look bad: in three weeks the guest noticed my hair cut and colour (on separate days), new purfume and fresh, glowing skin after a facial - and he's completely straight! Bf only notices when the costs appear on the mastercard bill.

At August 12, 2005 1:38 pm, Blogger Leighanne said...

My hubby takes a few days to notice hair cuts/color - he then says "I thought there was something different"
You are doing great to avoid all those temptations:)


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