pressies I have had on layby

picked up the baby gifts I have had on Layby since b4 Sarah Kate was born.
A clock cause a girl has to learn to tell the time so she knows when the mall opens. Educational!!
The garaffe(sp) with shapes and colours and different feeling materials. Educational !!!!
And a pretty angel teddy u press the paw and wings move and it plays several different tunes got sparkles...need help to justify how I can fit this into my only going to buy educational toys
Leave home tomorrow probably about noon...will go see Mum in hospital she still sounded pretty groggy last night so by tomorrow will be brigther I would think. Then have couple things to pick up in Ashburton around 4 not sure what time the movies start meeting girls to see hairspray.
I managed to get a 3 wheel buggy from trade me yesterday think it looks tidy enough for $10 save the kids bringing there big bulky one over in January...will have enough stuff to bring...mind u wont need clothes I have enough here 6-9 mths to sink a battle ship...and sti;ll more to collect hjave 5 parcels going to Chch some stuff to take some to keep here. Over the top comes to mind.
Very cute presents... can't be much longer till you go over eh? OOOO so excited for you.
You are so going to be her favourite Nana! Good luck tomorrow have a safe flight!
Enjoy that little girl!!
where are you? Have you emigrated over there or something? :o Bet you LOVED seeing your little doll.
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