Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Been a tough evening.
At 5.30 the fire siren went off didn't take much notice of it really, until hubby came home. It was our van that was on fire...apparently electrical. He was driving home and next thng smoke was going out everywhere...no apart from anything else he always carries lawnmower petrol in the back so it was get out of there quick. fire brigade were called and sprayed under it with foam..that is not gonna be good for it. To get to the motor ya have to lift the seat etc and it was dark so haven't looked yet at the damage.

Then about 20 mins ago I got a MSN message from my girlfriends husband. Chris has been ill for about 10 yrs. she has respitory problems, which lead to heart problems-on one of her MANY hospital visits she got a bug in her blood and it is eating into her flesh of her legs..several times over last 4 yrs they have wanted to take her leg she wouldn't have it. She hasn;t been eating or drinking since Feb and has lost half her body weight. Frail and weak sleeping all the time. He has been told it is only a matter of time. She has signed a non resusitate order. Poor old Jim doesn't know what to do he is estranged from there daughter and there son is disabled, Jim will be lost. I really didn't know what to say other than Shit.

Trying real hard to kep away from the kitchen, can't comfort myself with food.

I txt my son about the van he jsut rung to see if everything was ok. So that was nice.

Did 30 mins sweating on the treadmill this morning.

fruit toast
sliced apple
coffee x2

2tbs unsweetened nat yogurt
banana, 1/4 tinned peaches in juice, kiwifruit, frozen mxd berries (thawed)
sprinkle of chopped nuts

Chicken and vege soup (homemade)
sunflower seeds and mxd grain toast
1/4 tin peaches, mixed berries, Tsp yogurt sprinkle nuts

Afternoon snack
4 golden fruit biscuits
coffee with trim milk


At May 21, 2006 5:49 pm, Blogger Anne said...

That's dreadful news about your friend.

Then also the news about your van, I remember you telling me about it.

At May 21, 2006 7:59 pm, Blogger Chubbymum said...

OMG hun what a fabulous day of food!! You go girl. You will get that lotto ticket afterall... he he he.

I am really liking reading your blog hun. I hope ya keep it up! Love getting to know ya more ;-)

Love CM


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