Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Had a great time.
Friday had face wax eyebrows and chin. Caught up with my neice(Chloe #2's Mum) Chloe is growing like a mushroom. Visited with my girlfriend. Then my aunty and uncle they werent coming to party dont celebrate birthday against there religion. Hubby and I dined at http://www.cafevalentino.co.nz/ had starter of antipasta plater I ordered a main but cancelled it..hubby had pizza then we walked to http://www.strawberryfare.com/ for desert The Ultimate Chocolate Desert delish. Got back to hotel about 11.
Sat up at 730 breakfast then 10am meet Rach for Aqua and spa, back to hotel for a shower.
12.30 hair appointment
then meet rach for lunch at http://www.speights-alehouse.co.nz/ had chicken parcel. Then back to hotel parked car and over to Farmers for a makeover. Was fantastic...took hour and half and I didnt beleive it was me looking back at mirror when she finished. She explained what she was doing and products she was using. Because I bought product it didnt cost. Back to hotel dressed...didnt wear the dress I had planned didnt feel comfrtable in it still to tight in arms so wore dress I bought for our wedding anniversary couple years ago. Hubby scrubbed up pretty good.
We left for http://www.addingtoneventscentre.co.nz/Twiggers got there a little early but happy with that Mum etc started arriving and loads of hugs and awesome greetings. Everyone thought I looked fantastic. I seen family we havent seen in yonks(photo is of me and my cousin last photo we remember together is when we were 5 (40plus yrs ago) Another cousin we lost touch with maybe 15 yrs ago. Was really sp for Mum to have grand kids at her party...apart from my son she has been seperated from her other 5 grandkids...my brother has 4 children but couldnt see them...my neice made contact with him about 18mths ago then a few mths ago he found out his eldest son was in social welfare care so brother is reuniting with him and hopes to maybe get custody. Also my other brothers boy (another estranged story) now 24 as of yesterday he drove down from Nelson we havent seen him in a long while so although Mum didnt have the usual granchild at her party she did have grand kids very special for her. We had a photo of Baby Sarah Kate and her Dad and Mum on the table so they were sorta there.

Mixed with guest so didnt over eat to much...still ate more than I would on a normal night at home but NOWHERE near the amount I would have normally eaten at one of these events... party finished up about 11.30 I checked nobody had left anything behind and walked out leaving the mess for others to clean up...not me yeah.

Plan was to meet for Aqua again Sunday...but my knee was pretty sore so piked.
Showered-great to get the gunk and product out of my hair...think I did a good job of getting it off my face b4 bed as the white pillowcase didnt have makeup on it in morning. Breakfast then dropped hubby off and he picked up his ute he had left it at friends I drove over to Aunties and meet with family b4 they all started to head home. Hubby and Dad went home Mum and I decided to stay another day...it was my Aunt we usually stay with birthday Monday so as I didnt have work till Tuesday we stayed another night.
Monday had breakie with Aunty Phyll did the birthday greetings and cards etc and then packed car got groceries visited with a friend of mine and left Chch 3.30 stopped at Ashburton at a friend of Mum's she couldn't come to party...left there just after 5 stopped for break and tea at Fairlie about 7 and home by 9. VERY TIRED.
Slept like a log

bed now when I got home from wrk this arvo could bearly lift one foot in front of other but now feel awake hope I can sleer might take a painkiller for knee and snuggle under blankets

nite all


At August 22, 2007 7:34 am, Blogger Chris H said...

Woo hoo for a successful/fantastic weekend and party! You look bloody gorgeous mate, if I don't mind saying so myself! You look sooo very happy! Grandmotherhood must agree with you. And I'm so very proud of your resolve to not over indulge with the party food and outings too... GO FELICITY!!!!! Roll on next year eh mate? I'm excited.....

At August 22, 2007 8:44 am, Blogger Anne said...

You do look stunning! I bet you blew a few people away when they saw you! Sounds like a very social busy time. Also like a lot of fun (and you did really well).

At August 22, 2007 9:09 am, Blogger Chubbymum said...

Wow... I love that dress hun... it makes you looks so happy and glowing wow!!

Sounds like you had a fantastic weekend and getting compliments is ALWAYS great aye.


At August 22, 2007 9:35 am, Blogger Sue said...

You always pack so much into your time, I'm surprised sometimes you don't just fall asleep where you stand!

At August 23, 2007 1:08 am, Blogger Catherine said...

Hi Felicity. I first 'met' you through the Healthy Diet Challenge which seems to no longer exist. I've just started up my blog again after a long time. You are doing so well - congratulations - you're an inspiration!


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