Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Monday, December 26, 2005

4.5 kilo GAIN

Shit. Didn't even eat much, well not as much as do other Christmas days. Think some of it is wine and drinks from days previous. Only had bacon eggs for brakfast, cherries for lunch, then at 5.30 had shrimp cocktail, cold meat and salads (sliced roast pork, roast beef, moked salmon, bean salad, beetroot, carrot salad) now what would gain 4.5 k out of that....however maybe the broken glass jelly and trifle might have helped. What I keep thinking is if I gained 4.5 this year what the bloody hell did I gain other years when I had HUGE roast meal and Xmas pud, pav, and loads more food.

Didn't get to the lake as I had hoped hubby didn't want to go promised he'd take me tomorrow, we will see, of course by then all the holiday makers will be ther and it will be so crowded and stuff he'll come up with some other excuse.

Had a nice phone call from my son last night he had a lovely day in Sydney.

Well best go the washing machine has just finished so will get next load in....one day with out washing and there is a mountain of it to do...geez louise. Thought hubby might have said as u cooked I'll do the dishes (yesterday you know that miracle of Christmas thing) but it didn't happen so need to clean up in there. It was Christmas for me yesterday too so I was bloody sure I wasn't doing dishes was bad enough cooking.

Hope u all have had a lovely Christmas
Back into the weight loss journey again, onward we go.


At December 27, 2005 7:37 pm, Blogger a mummy losing it said...

I'm sure it's only temporary, gaining that much is near impossible when you aren't being naughty! Hopefully the scales will be much nicer very soon.

At December 29, 2005 3:33 pm, Blogger Leighanne said...

I know I have gained - not game enough to get on the scales and see how much..lucky we only do this once a year 'aye:)


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