Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Same old boring stuff

Have really no reason for not updating sooner other than nothing much to write. I did think of goin for a snooze this afternoon instead of writting this it is so hot and I don't do the heat well. I am sitting in the cool of the air conditioning with the drapes draw it is very pleasant. Unfortunately I am pooped from gardening earlier...not saying that I had any energy or desire to garden it had to be done the plants were already looking sick. I like the look of gardens but don't enjoy the labour on little bit and my garden or weed haven is a testiment to this.
I have a strange week ahead work Monday Tuesday then off to Dunedin Wed/Thurs, so hope to get at least 2 maybe 3 beach walks in and perhaps a trip to the pool. Not very confident driving in Dunedin so depends on where the pool is in relation to the hotel. The home Thurs night and off to Timaru and Christchurch Friday so a beach walk Thurs at Caroline Bay and if I can talk the hubby into it maybe Fri night then Sat and Sun morning can wangle Aqua gym classes and at least Sat a beach walk, maybe mid morning b4 it gets to hot. We have a 50th birthday party to go to Sat night so a loud night.

Christmas is nearly here and it really isn't doing much for me at all. Christmas is usually a family argument and 3 yrs ago was a beaut so hubby and I have since spent it on our own. We plan on just having cold meats and salads cheeses salmon etc and I'll make a trifle and jelly and of course plum pud and we will just pick at it all thru the day. Maybe snooze a bit and I want to go for a walk at Lake b4 all the holiday makers arrive from boxing day till end Jan u can't get near the lakes for loopies. I had the Christmas CD's on yesterday and if the remote wasn't over there I'd probably have them on now but can't muster up enough umph to go turn it on. Work will be mad (I shouldn't really have taken this week off but needs must) from now until Feb so a quiet day today is much needed. I am not working weekends this year it was to much and although the money would be nice for our Wellington trip in April the old weary body just can't handle it.

Food has picked up again was being a bit slcak for a couple of weeks, the platuea luggie had set in
and I was getting very frustrated. hope for a decrease this week...will not be happy wth anything else. I am going to weigh in tomorrow morning tea time as there won't be time Tuesday and Friday is too late. I want to know now.

Well girls I really am dropping off between lines here so will sigh off and go have 40 winks will shift hose first.

Thanks all for your lovely words about the photo post. Still haven't work out how to get it on my blog id. Says I need photo url but can't get it to do that, oh well never mind.

Will pop in with weigh in results tomorrow night. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.


At December 04, 2005 8:45 pm, Blogger Chubbymum said...

Hey Felicity

I know what you mean... today all I wanted to do was sit and read my book and do nothing but it didn't happen.

I have sent you an email re the sponsorship if you are still keen.


At December 04, 2005 9:03 pm, Blogger michelle said...

Hi glad you are still OK. I am pleased to here there is hot weather as we will be over next week. Good luck at weigh in.

At December 05, 2005 4:55 pm, Blogger Sue said...

How lovely to hear someone else call them loopies again - it's a very South Island term! I grew up in Otago we spent lots of time in Te Anau/Queenstown and other lakes, so called the annoying tourists the same thing. Although the locals probably called us loopies!


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