Felicity's Weight Loss Journey

Hi my name is Felicity. I am 45, married 10 years November 05 and live in a small town in the middle of the South Island. I have been over weight since I was 11 and always hassled at school.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Just been talking to my grandbaby's packaging

Elaine is feeling tired and has a slight cold she is over being pregnant...30 sleeps to go...so any time now!!!

Was great having a natter-I thought she finished work last week thought shed be missing company but actually she doesnt finsih till this week. I sent a parcel of baby gear over with a friend that Anthony picked up earlier in week but he hadnt told E that he had got it she came across it last night and thought she was loosing her marbles that she has more baby stuff than she thought think she was releaved to know I had just sent it. Got off the phone checking cheap tickets to Syd in October we talked about that being a good time to visit.

Hubby and I are going out for lunch tomorrow will be nice.

I am not going out after work tomorrow IAM NOT GOING TO DRINK WINE ON WEEKEND!!

I have a five year olds birthday to go to on Saturday won't that be fun-30 screaming kids hope it fine so they can play out side.

Still no night nibbles...was tempted earlier tonight but didnt give in.

De-cluttered the recipe draw this morning. Threw out 5 copies of the lollie cake recipe...not sure why ya need 5 copies and if I was ever gonna make it again which I am not likely to as we dont eat that sorrta stuff no more the recipe is on the fruit puff pack. Fudge and coconut ice recipes...pages pulled out of magazine never looked at again. recipes written in my grandma's hand ( she has been gone for over 20yrs) warranties for stuff that broke down years ago...sales dockets for a set of pots I bought in 1998 they have been long gone got a supermarket bag jammed full of more crap..gone gone gone. Then I went to the wardrobe have a suitcase full of clothes to bring up to P/N for the swap at this rate I won't have room for any clothes to wear. Might have to visit Ezibuy and Jocelyns straight of the plane...was gutted to get a notice in mail yesterday to say Jocelyns(Feilding) sale starts on Fri 13th

well bed time nite all


At July 13, 2007 7:35 am, Blogger Chris H said...

Condolences on having to go to a 5yr olds birthday... wear earmuffs, and try to hide in a corner.... I can thing of a million things I would rather do. De cluttering... such fun!

At July 13, 2007 5:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG my clothes would be too big for everyone there that is for sure... but I decluttered about 2 weeks before Chris decided to have the Xmas function GGEEESHHHHH my dumb luck huh.

Hmmm a 5 year olds birthday... take some panadol beforehand he he he

Love Chubbymum

At July 16, 2007 7:26 pm, Blogger Marie said...

How did the party go?


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